7. World Trade Center

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I excused myself, and went looking for Mille, I really needed to talk with her about this pantie situation I have going on. I looked everywhere in the garden but nowhere to be found I walked inside the house, I looked at the bar, in the different booths and still nowhere to be found. I looked inside the two offices Knife had shown me. I kept looking and finally found her in the kitchen I expected her sitting with Cheetah but instead she sat at a table where there could probably sit twenty people and eat, talking and laughing with Car the bartender from yesterday.

I coughed to get their attention and Mille smiled at me "can I talk to you for a second Mille?"

"Yeah off course, what's up?" she looked worried and I may have given the vibe that something was wrong, but it kinda is actually. "I think we should take this in Danish, don't want anyone eavesdropping"

"Ja okay, hvad så?

(Yeah okay, what's up?)

"Mh, Knife var ved at kysse mig og Layla bustede os. Men det er ikke det værste, han får mig til at tænke så meget på hård, beskidt sex at mine trusser er gennemblødte så jeg har valgt at smide dem. De ligger i min taske nu"

(Mh, Knife almost kissed me, but then Layla walked in and busted us. But it gets worse he has me thinking about dirty rough sex so much, that my panties are soaked so I chose to take them off, now they are in my purse)

"You have got to be kidding me, this is just great. I knew you couldn't go to a party without taking them off"

"Taking what off?" Knife said walking into the kitchen looking at us both. Mille is laughing so hard and I know my face is red as a tomato right now. "Car, what where they talking about?"

"That's a great question, talking danish isn't really my thing, but someone have definitely taking something off" Car said with a smirk. Please let the world swallow me, why oh why did Mille have to change back to english.

"Well good talk, Mille and I will be on our way now, trying to find the bracelet Mille have taken off"

"But isn't she wearing it?" Knife asked with a confused look. "Err.." I look up at Mille begging her to say something. I can see that she's holding back a laugh but she suppress it and start talking "I took off my other bracelet and can't remember where I left it, so if you guys don't mind"

"Car can help you look, I have to talk with Ollie" I can't even describe how I look right now, but helplessness and shock must at least show on my face. I want to claw that smug smile Mille has on, right off her stupid face.

"That's sounds like a great idea" she says and walk past me, I grab her arm and whisper "Jeg slår dig ihjel bitch" (I'm going to kill you bitch) she winked at me and kept walking.

"What did you tell her?" Knife asked with amused look, he definitely saw my stupid face when he said that we should talk. Note too self make a better pokerface.

"Nothing really, just that I hopes she find the bracelet. So what did you want to talk about?" Knife walks closer to me, takes my hand and start walking up the stairs to the second floor. He walks all the way to the end of the corridor, I almost have to run, just so I can keep up with him. What the hell are we going to talk about up here. I can see he's debating something with himself suddenly grabs my wrist and drags me up another flight off stairs. I really need to work out if I have to keep up with him another time, he walks so fast that you would think he's running from a fire.

We are up on the roof, and I can look out on the desert, it looks so peaceful when I turn around I can see the garden and everyone down there. It looks like they are having a good time, when I think about it so have I, even though my panties are off and can't think straight because Knife is here.

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