11. Don't talk to me

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"Don't talk to me" I say and try to walk away from Knife but he takes my hand and pull me towards him. Just by looking at him I want to vomit, the only thing I can think about when I look at him is me giving Deadly a blowjob and feeling so disgusted by myself.

When I got home late last night, I spent most of the night in the shower scrubbing my body and brushing my teeth but the feeling of him still lingers on me. I don't think I'll ever be able to get the image of him out of my head. When Jonas banged at the door two hours ago, I had only been asleep for an hour.

"Don't walk away from me, I need to know what happened to you." He says while looking concerned. He put his arms around my body, and I tense, the mere thought about a guy touching me is more than I can handle, so I do the only thing I can right now and that's start crying.

"Shh baby, I'm here now" he says, and that word makes me shake and cry even more.

"Don't" I try talking but nothing more comes out. But I need him to stop calling me baby, no one can ever call me that again. "Don't call me baby" I say and take a deep breath. I'm surprised that I haven't had a full-blown panic attack yet. But I know that when I least expect it, it's going to come.

"I won't call you baby, but can you please tell me what the hell went down yesterday." He touch my cheek so lightly that I almost don't feel it. I look up at him and I can see that he's concerned and a bit sad, I think. He picks me up out of nowhere and carries me to the couch. Careful not to touch my body to much. I think he knows that I look even worse under this shirt I'm wearing. He puts me down and sit down himself. "Now start talking"

"I don't know where to start" I say, and I really don't. I can't tell him about meeting Deadly, I don't want him after Knife. Deadly is a dangerous man, and I can't put anyone at risk. Even if I wanted, I can't tell Knife about the blowjob, I know what he would think about me, and I don't want that. He may have stood me up, but I don't want him to look at me like a slut.

"Maybe start from when Layla got here and to when you got home. That should cover it all." He says and now he's waiting for my answer.

I just start talking, sometimes he interrupts me, mostly by saying "I'm going to kill Car" and cursing a lot. I try to convince him that when I went out to smoke, I just pissed of the wrong crowd and that's why I got beat up.

"I don't know if anyone have ever told you, but you should never play poker. You're the worst liar I've ever seen. Now tell me what really happened"

"Can I just say that it was bad, and I don't want to repeat what happened in my head." I try asking, but I know that it won't be enough. He's like a dog digging for a bone and he won't give up until he finds it.

"I need to know if you were targeted, and if it can happen again, so tell the real story now. " He says, giving me a hard look. I get up from the couch and walk over to my bedroom. I need to check that Layla is asleep before I tell Knife, that they were after her. Thankfully she is asleep, so I walk back to the couch and sit down again.

"Some guy wanted to know how I knew Layla, but I didn't say anything. Don't worry about it. It won't happen again, I don't plan on going to Venom any time soon" I say while looking down at my fidgeting hands.

"What's his name? He asks. "And why the hell did he just let you go, if you didn't say anything. If it were one of us who wanted information, we wouldn't have let you go."

"I don't know who the guy is, didn't exactly have time exchanging names and numbers" I say annoyed.

"Why did he let you go?"

"He just did, I don't know what happens in a psychotic's head. If you're wondering, this is kinda the first time I've been beaten up." I say, I can feel my blood boiling just by the thought of Deadly's hands on me. I need to puke, like right now. So, I run to the bathroom, barely making it before emptying my already empty stomach. Knife is kneeling down beside me, holding my hair and rubbing my back.

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