30. I need you

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We're back at the clubhouse and I'm sitting in Cross office with a bottle of whiskey. I need to know everything he knows so I can find her instantly. I need her back, I should have been with her, protected her just as I've promised. Now that I've finally got my shit together, and I got her, I can't lose her. We're only just started and there's so much more in this world I want to show her.

She really is the love of my life, she healed my broken heart, my broken soul. I know what it feels like to be happy, what it feels like to love and to be loved and I can't lose that now. I need her here, I need her by my side.

"You got something yet" I ask getting up from the chair

"Church" Beast yells, I walk towards church with Cross right behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder "don't worry, she'll be back before you know it" I hope so, because I don't think I could handle losing her, or the baby. I don't even know how it went today.

I sit beside Beast and Cross on his other side "I've called the chapter from Los Angeles, they'll be here in a few hours"

"Why the hell are we waiting for them, we should get her as soon as Cross find her"

"As much as I'd like to go guns blazing, we don't know how many they are and if they are working together, we're outnumbered, so we need the help" I slam my fist down the table "they better be here before Cross find her, I'll go by myself otherwise"

"Knife, it's my daughter I want her back just as much as you do, but we'll do this my way and that's an order, so you better obey" I get up and walk out, I just want her back no matter what price I've got to pay. I sit at the bar when I see Lay walking through the door.

"So, how did it go today. Wasn't it exciting seeing the baby and hearing its heartbeat?" she asks with a big smile. Fuck, she doesn't know what's going on. How the hell am I supposed to tell her, that her only friend have been kidnapped and we don't know where or when she'll be back. I get up and put my arms around her, she looks at me "what happened, where's Ollie?"

"Lay we don't know right now, but I promise you we'll get her back" she slaps me in the face and run away crying. Fuck me, she fucking hit me, I'm gonna let that one slide. I know she's upset and scared of losing another person, but I won't let that happen. We'll get blondie back in one piece and with the baby. I'll make sure of that.

I'm on my second beer, I know I shouldn't drink but I need something to take the edge off and I promised blondie I wouldn't smoke weed anymore so alcohol it is.

"We'll get her back you know that, right?" Cheetah is sitting beside me with a beer. He hasn't been the biggest fan of blondie after she left, but that's only because he's been looking out for me and I appreciate that. With time they could probably talk together, but I know Cheetah isn't interested in that right now.

"She's family, we all want her back and the little lion" he says with a smile.

"I know, it's killing me knowing she out there with god knows who or what they are doing to her" I take a big gulp of my beer and take another shot of whiskey "Lil'John is there to take care of her and she's a strong girl, I think we should give her more credit" he says and just as he's about to get up the door opens and in walks the guys from Los Angeles.

I've seen some of them before, but there are a lot of new ones with them too. I walk over and say hello to some of the guys when Cross come running, "I found them" he yells.

It doesn't take long before we're all geared up and ready to get my girl. It's about a thirty-minute drive to the abandoned warehouse where they are supposed to be. As we park Beast stops us all "no one harm my daughter or Lil'John, we take them all out. We need to close their clubs down and fast. As soon as they know we're here they will try and run, don't let anyone get away" he says in a firm voice, that tells me he means business "oh, and leave the presidents for Knife, he deserves to take them out, even though I would love to do it myself, they are his, you all understand?" everyone nods.

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