23. Pick me

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Knife is dragging me out of the office, I have to run so I can keep up with him. He pushes past the people there's standing in his way. He keeps dragging me till we are outside standing in front of his bike "hop on, we're going for a ride" what the hell, are we allowed to leave now, I should tell Mille and Layla but as always it's like he read my mind "you're still not allowed to leave, but I think we need it" I nod and hop on, Knife does the same and start the engine. It's been so long since we've been out riding, and I love it.

Love feeling ofthe wind I my hair, feeling so close to this man, this man that I love. He could take me on a thousand rides and I would love them all.

We're stopping at a place I know, his childhood home. I don't know what we're doing here, but I feel safe here and I think he does too even though something horrible happened here "last we were here I told you about my parents, how I ended in foster care and your dad finding me. I don't want to talk about what happened at your dad's office, instead I'll keep my promise and tell you everything from after your dad found me"

This is it, I think. I don't even know if I'm ready, I really don't know what's coming but I'm sure of one thing nothing he tells me is going to change how I see him. He's my man and I'll love him no matter what, so I nod encouraging him to keep going.

"I was in a real bad place when your dad found me, I was a shitty kid and when he took me home, I started by living in his workshop didn't want me close to Layla, but I loved her from the first moment I saw her, she was so lively and funny.

After a year I got a room inside and I started behaving. In that year your dad had been practicing with me, how to handle a gun, knife or any other weapon, he taught me how to fight" we're sitting in the high grass looking at the sunset. It's really beautiful out here and I understand why he likes coming here.

"I got your dad to investigate what happened with my parents and he did" he's pulling some grass and throwing it away "I still don't know why they did it, and I didn't exactly wait for them to answer my questions" I look at him and give him a little smile "I know you've noticed my tattooed crosses and I've got one for each person I killed from that club" I touch his arm, where a cross is tattooed "that's the first one I got. The first guy I killed"

I knew he killed before, he didn't have to tell me that, but that he got tattoos on his body to symbolize that. I don't know what to think about that, but I think he got them to remind himself that he did something for his parents.

"I still remember everything about that night. It was on my 18 birthday, your dad had just told me which club did it. They were called The Sinners, the same night I hunted down one of their prospects down, I knew it would be an easy target there isn't exactly the same kinda protection on them it's more their job to protect the other club members." He's starring at the sunset with a little smile, reminiscing it and it's kinda scary.

"The club have a little place in the dessert, just a place that looks like it's about to collapse, but in the basement there's everything you need to torture a man" it's starting to get chilly so I move even closer to Knife and he puts an arm around me and rubs my arm "you'll never forget your first kill and sometimes I have nightmares about that night. Cheetah was with me when we got the guy, we were running high on adrenaline and we thought the whole thing was funny but when it came to it, all the plans I had made about torturing him fell through, I couldn't do it..."

He's pulling me up on his lap and holding me so close that there's no space between us "but Cheetah started, tried to get some answers from him but the guy just kept screaming and crying. Cheetah was like a machine, it didn't affect him in any way."

"I wanted to do it for my parents, for my mom but I couldn't" I don't know what to do, what do you say to. What can you say to make it better, he felt like he let his parents down but he didn't "I've never met such an amazing man as you, you did what you had to do and I believe there's a reason why you couldn't do it"

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now