13. Worst fear

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Three weeks have gone by and let me tell you something, they have been amazing. Layla is practically living with me and Mille, not that Mille is noticing, she has been spending every waking second with her mysterious guy and I'm happy for her. She seems happy and that's all that matters. I haven't talked to Jonas since last he was here, and I think we both needed a breather from each other. Connie's calling me every day to check up on Layla and on me. But the best thing about these three weeks have been the time Knife and I have spent together.

When Layla isn't here Knife almost, always come over and I don't think there isn't a surface we haven't fucked on. I say fuck, because there is nothing sweet about it, just raw, animal like fucking. Not that I'm complaining. There's just one weird thing, whenever we lay in bed and I fall asleep with his arms around me, I wake up in the middle of the night and he's nowhere to be found. He says he can't sleep in anyone's bed other than his own, but I call bullshit. I won't push him for now, but I intend to find the real reason.

"I'm hooooooome, bitches. Where the hell are you?"

"Nice to finally see you, Mille. What have we done to earn a visit from you?"

"I need clean clothes." She walks over and gives me a hug, I just look at her "alright, I missed you guys. Do you want to go shopping? I could use some new lingerie, if you know what I mean" Layla has made her way in to the living room, and Mille run over and give her a hug "yeah, maybe except you. Are they still loud as fuck?" she points at me.

"Well, after you encouraged me to interrupt them it hasn't been so loud, but it's like they never stop. RIP pussy is all I can think" Layla looks embarrassed, but I think I look equally embarrassed. That night was crazy, Knife and I hadn't seen each other a day and we had time to make up for. I had apparently been so loud, even though Knife tried to muffle most of my screams, he did a poor job, because Layla knocked at the door yelling that we should keep it down. Knife almost took off after that, but I persuaded him to stay and be very quiet.

"She is doing just fine, thank you for asking. Knife don't really come over when Layla is home. He doesn't want a repeat of that night."

"And you guys can't just hang out without fucking?"

"Off course we can, we're..- hold that thought. I just need to answer this text." It's a text from Knife, we're acting like lovesick teenagers, I can't even go to the bathroom without my phone just so I won't miss a text from him.

"You tackle her, I'll take the phone" is the only thing I hear before Layla tackles me and Mille snaps my phone from my hand. "You guys, give me my phone back"

"Uh, it's a juicy text and you're sexting him back. You naughty, naughty girl" Mille throws the phone to Layla and Layla being the tower she is, I'm never going to reach my phone.

"This was fun and all, but I need to answer, so give it back."

"You'll get it back, if I get to answer and before you say no. Layla and I will lock us inside the bathroom and tell him some very embarrassing stories about you."

"You wouldn't"

"You want to bet? How about the time you got so drunk you took off all your clothes and ran naked around the streets, or the time you ate a bugger"?

"Every kid does that" Layla interrupts.

"Like you say, every kid but guess how old Ollie was."

"It was a dare, and if kids survive it every day, why shouldn't I? But I get the point, let me just read it again and then we can come up with an answer together."

"I'll read it out loud, Layla cover your virgin ears" Layla throws a pillow at Mille "alright, listen to your sister and almost brother's sexual escapades." Mille clears her throat and talks in a deep voice "Blondie, I can't wait to be inside you again. Your soft, tight pussy. Just knowing you're home right now, so wet for me, probably dripping. If I could rush this meeting I would. When I get home to you, I will fuck you raw." Layla's mouth is just hanging open, not knowing what to say.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now