6. Swallowing DNA

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To say I was surprised when I got in the car is an understatement. When Layla told us Lil'John was picking us up I pictured a cute looking scrawny kid, but he was nothing near scrawny, he was well build and from what I could see he had full sleeve tattoos on both arms that led up to his chest, he had crewcut light brown hair, skin tone light brown, I could only see his eyes in the rearview mirror but they held something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"I was just about to come check on you, I was worried you where backing out" Mille said and sent me a small smile. "Just had a little talk with my mother, that's all"

Lil'John started the car and made his way too the club house. We drove for 20 minutes before we arrived. We had to drive trough a big gate, Lil'John put his thumb on a scanner and the gates opened. The club looked big, it's a two storey house from what I could see. The house were made of bricks, and had small windows. Lil'John turned off the car, and Layla jumped out taking Mille and my hand, and led us up to the house. Before we made it into the house we could hear music blasting from inside, I started feeling anxious and I took Milles hand and squeezed it.

Layla opened the door "I'm going to find my mom and dad to tell them you're here, make yourself at home, you can go too the bar and get something to drink"

The bar where at one end of the house, there were barstools in front of it. At the windows where booth filled with people and I think the middle off the floor is a dance floor, the opposite way of the bar where a ping pong table, a pool table and darts

Mille and I walked up to the bar, behind it is a woman kind looking woman, she made her way over to us "what can I get you ladies?"

"We'll just have a beer if you have it" just as I was saying it I could hear Jonas calling out for me "Ollie, come and give me a hug and Sandra give them what they want"

"This is the long lost daughter of yours" Sandra said smiling.

"Yes, so everything she want it's hers"

"Off course, I'm just going to find your beers" Jonas have made his way over to me, and took me in to a big bear hug, I hugged him back. He looked at Mille and said "what are you waiting for, come give me a hug" Mille walked over to him and gave him a hug.

I whispered to her "he is so going to say you're off limits too, say goodbye to a night with Cheetah" Mille looked at me annoyed and I gave her a big smile.

"I already hate your dad, what a pussy blocker" she whispered back. Sandra came back and gave us our beer.

"Who are all the people in here?" I asked Jonas. They couldn't all possible be apart off "Lions Den".

"Most of them are a part off the club, but some of them are just friends and family who doesn't want to be apart of the club but loves a good time, and a party like this is a really good time. Jonas pulled me with him to the middle off the floor and got everyones attention "This is my daughter Ollie, you're going to treat her with respect, you won't give her one wrong look or say anything disrespectful, I will cut out your tongue and feed it to you if you do and the girl besides Ollie is Mille, same rules apply her"

"Mayor pussy block right there, we're not even going to receive attention, look at them they're not even looking at us and I'm standing in a very short dress, and your boobs are practically out in the open" Mille said pouting.

"Look at the bright site there isn't going to be a drunken one nightstand" I said putting a fake smile on.

Jonas led us outside, there's tables everywhere, you can smell the barbecue, people are dancing, smiling and talking to each other. It looks so cozy, and I think it's going to be a great night. I can see Connie and Layla talking to each other besides a table and we all walk over there.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now