31. All relationships

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1 week later

You would think I've been acting the same way I did when Mille died. I don't know how to explain it. The first two nights I woke up screaming, having nightmares about what happened. Knife was there as much as he could, but I knew he was fucked and filled with guilt. He tried his hardest to not asking questions, because he think it would upset me.

I can understand that he wants even more answers than I gave him. I talk, but it hurts me to see him so sad and I don't want to be the one who is hurting him. I know it's not my decision, and I need to tell him everything. God damn it's hard.

I got home from the hospital after three nights there. When I arrived I was in shock, I was scared of everything and every one, was convinced they would hurt me. My dad was holding my hand the whole time, of course I wished it was Knife but again I understood. He needed time and I didn't blame him, me and my dad just took away his last family member. I don't know how I would handle that, but so far he's doing a lot better than I would have done I'm sure.

"So, how are you doing with everything?" I'm sitting on the roof with Layla, when dad or Knife weren't at the hospital Layla was there. She slept there every night, didn't care about what the doctors and nurses said.

"My body still hurts, but I think I'm handling things better than I would in the past. I'm still here" I say with a smile, I haven't even thought about leaving. I know I belong here and I made Knife a promise to never leave him again. "I didn't think I would be this cool with killing two men"

"That's good to hear you're doing better but Ollie you did what you had to do, protected yourself, your baby and the man you love." She changes the subject and ask me "should we like go shopping or something today, I really don't want to spend one more day here"

"You know, you could go home, you don't have to spend every second with me"

She slaps me on the shoulder "there's nothing in this world I'd rather do"

I slap her back and give her a warm smile "I just don't want you to think you have to be with me all the time, I'm not a flight risk" I say and chuckle.

"Can't I just want to spend time with my favourite person?" She asks as she gets up from the chair, "at least, come downstairs with me, I can't take anymore sun"

I get up too and follow her downstairs. Even though both clubs are dead, my dad really doesn't want me or Layla to go anywhere without at least one of the brothers. Normally i would object and act out, but I get where he's coming from and I'm accepting that it's important for him to know we're safe.

I would ask Knife to take us, but he's been in Cross office practically since I got home from the hospital. I don't really know what he's doing in there, won't tell me. Believe me I've tried to get him to talk.

We walk to the kitchen, and I take a bottle of water from the fridge. "So who do you think wants to come with us?"

She hops on the kitchen counter "can't we get Knife to do it?"

"I wish we could, but he's chained to that fucking office, and another thing, he won't fucking touch me. I don't know what the fuck to do, I've tried to seduce him like hundreds of times" I say with a frown

"Have you tried asking him on a date, I can help you plan something"

"Yeah, but the first two times I threw myself at him naked and he rejected me, so that was like the next thing I did and he also rejected that. How much should I have to beg, just to get him to fuck my brains out?"

That's when I hear someone cough, and it's not Layla. Please dear god, actually I don't know what to wish for. It would be less embarrassing if it's Knife, but he would be annoyed that I told Layla, and that would probably result in him not fucking me tonight. So in conclusion I actually hope it's someone else, and please don't be my dad.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now