9. My friends

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So, I've been up almost all night waiting for Knife to call. At four am, I called it a night and went to sleep. It's now one pm and still not a word from him. I've been on the verge to call Jonas to hear if something happened to him, but that would just raise to many questions that I wouldn't know how to answer. So now I'm sitting in the couch eating bread and drinking a big cup of coffee. Mille is still sleeping, probably a bit hungover from yesterday. I don't even feel like waking her, I just want to sit here and watch tv.


A few hours have gone by, and Mille is finally waking up from the dead.

"I didn't even hear you leave last night; how did it go and what did you do?" She asks. I just look at her and then back at the tv. I don't even know why I'm reacting this way, it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything.

"Wow, that bad? Was his dick small, worst fuck in your life, didn't want to fuck, omg just tell me what happened?"

"If I could get a word in, I would tell you, you seriously need to relax bitch."

"Someone's really grumpy today, that bad?"

"Omg, we didn't have sex. He never texted me, and I just sat here like a looser waiting until four am, for just a simple text. Something he seems to be incompetent at." I said looking at my mug, I've never in my life been stood up. Maybe that's why I'm reacting this way, yeah, I would have felt this way if it were  any guy who stood me up. It's not because of him, he's just another guy.

"Really didn't see that one coming. I saw him getting handsy at the table, I for sure thought that was a done deal"

"Apparently it wasn't, but it's whatever. He's just a guy, that I can't have, but I want so bad. I just need to screw him out of my system and if it can't be with him, I need to find another guy."

"I wasn't kidding when I said we're going out yesterday. But first we need to figure out which clubs Lion's Den doesn't own. We don't want them to keep tabs on us."

"You're right, I'm going to text Layla and ask her. She must know where to go, and not to go. Uh, and maybe she wants to come" I say while picking up my phone, still no text from Knife.

Hey Layla.
Mille and I are going out tonight, and we want to know which clubs Jonas owns. Just so we know where not to go, and can you text Jonas number to me also? Also, do you want to come out with us tonight?

Love Ollie

I've barely sent the text before I got a text back. A little part of me still hopes Knife will text me, but of course it's Layla.

Hey Ollie

If you just stay clear of Venom then it can't go wrong, and I just got dad to call you when he's free. Hope that's ok?

Off course I want to come with you.
Love Layla

"So, we are defiantly going to Venom, Layla says we have to stay clear. Which means it's going to be great." I say, and I feel a bit more energized. I hope I'll get so drunk that I will forget everything about Knife tonight.


I talked to Jonas about sending some guys over to hang our curtains up, and if he would be ok if we took Layla to some clubs with us. At first, he wouldn't hear it, but my negotiating skills are better than I thought, and he was ok with Layla going with us, if we promised not to go to Venom. I don't know what it is about that place, but the more they forbid it, the more I want to go. I always want what I can't have.

An hour after I talked to Jonas, Car and Lil'John knocked at our door, and I let them in. Mille walked to the store earlier, she said we needed some bullshit things, I just think she didn't want to run into either Car or Cheetah. But that doesn't matter, we are going out and finding some guys, fucking them and dumping them after a really needed fuck.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now