18. My own cooking

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I've been stubborn about calling Knife, he was just as idiotic as I was. Why shouldn't he be the one calling me? Dad told me that he has been gone for two days handling something I'm not allowed to know, stupid rules of that stupid club. You never know what's going on. Anyway, he told me that Knife should be back tonight, and I've decided that I'm going to be the grown up and go see him.

It's 6 am and I can't sleep anymore, I haven't really done anything else than sleep these days I haven't talked to Knife. I'm so addicted to him, that even my mood changes when he isn't around. That can't be healthy, but I just can't help myself. I've never been this attracted to a person it's driving me insane, literally insane. I just feel empty when he isn't around, so not healthy.

I walk down to the kitchen, I know I can't cook but I'm so hungry I will eat my own cooking. I heard cooking is just like sex, everyone can do it but only some people make it delicious and if there's one thing I'm good at. That's sex, so how hard can it really be. I'm just going to follow some recipes, and everything will be fine. It's not like I'm going to burn down the house.

I can hear someone coming down the stairs "what's that horrible smell" just Mille coming down "oh, it's just you cooking for some strange reason. Is it the mother instinct kicking in?" I kick her "would you just let that go, I thought it would be a nice gesture, it's a way of saying thank you to my dad and Connie for letting us stay" she walks over to the fridge and take out some orange juice "don't expect me to eat that, I know how it's going to taste and I'm not going to expose myself again.

"Seriously, relax. I got everything under control, I followed the recipes slavishly" she looks at the stove "is that your bacon on fire?" I turn around "you're going to die after this delicious meal." She bumps into me "I should just eat your cooking and get it over with then"

"Is someone cooking?" Connie walks into the kitchen with my dad right behind her "yeah, I've made all myself. You just go sit, and I'll take it all to the dining room, and we can have a nice family breakfast" I smile "Mille could you go wake Layla up" Layla comes sprinting down "no need for that" I take the food into the dining room and sit down.

"Well it looks delicious" Connie gives me a smile "just wait for your food poisoning" I look at Mille "could you seriously shut it, it's great. I haven't tasted it myself, but it smells great." My dad looks at me "it sure does, just give a little of everything, please"

I wait for everyone to take a bite and see their reaction "It's certainly something, what did you do to the eggs, that aftertaste what is it?" I look at my dad "oh, that's the taste of arsenic" he spit out his food "WHAT?"

"I don't know what the taste is, where would I get arsenic. It's not like you have something here, right?" I look between Connie and my dad "you don't have stuff like that in your cabinets, right?" my dad just keeps looking at me, so Connie answers "nothing like that in our cabinets. What did you put in these waffles?"

"Well, it said something about sugar, but I couldn't find any, so I just found some powdered sugar, I think. Let me go look" I walk back to the dining room with container "it says baking powder, but isn't it basically the same, it's both white powders" Layla and Mille laughs, Connie is really trying to keep it together but cracks after a few minutes. I don't get what's going on. "I don't get it, what's wrong" my dad looks at me "there's no easy way to say this but if you ever cook again, you're not living under this roof. It tastes horrible, even the bacon and I don't know what there is to do wrong with that, but you somehow did it" I take a bite "I see what you mean, never cooking again even if I'm starving" they all just laugh.

Mille is down at my dad's office telling about her guy and what happened at the apartment. I don't even know how many times they have been through it, but he keeps insisting that they should go over it one more time.

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