25. Losing something

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"You're telling me they've disappeared from the face of earth, or you just incompetent?" Beast yells. Ever since blondie left, he's been on edge, arguing and yelling. Most of us have taken a few hits coming our way because we've got nothing to report. Our business is running smoothly and it's like The Angels of Death has gone to hibernation, so otherwise everything is going great.

"I've looked everywhere, but I can't seem to find anything, but I'll keep trying" Cross says, he's keeping his head down, we all know what's coming next "how the hell is this club still running, when I'm surrounded by idiots?" he gets up and throws his chair across the room almost hitting Hunt in the face "church over" I yell

"I AM YOUR PRESIDENT, you don't end church without my saying" he yells. Motherfucker, he doesn't even see what he's doing to the club. The other clubs are supposed to fear your prez, but your brothers aren't "if you keep this up, they'll leave at some point"

"Then let them fucking leave" I walk out and to the bar. I need a beer and I need to think. I've looked everywhere and tried everything to find out who has taken over The Sinners, but I've found nothing.

"Sandra give me a beer" she's standing behind the bar "you could at least say please, I'm no sweetbutt" she hands me the beer "yeah, sorry. He's acting crazy" she laughs "again?" I nod. This has been going on too long. I know he blames himself for her leaving, they didn't talk before she left, and I know it's pissing him off.

"When did you last talk with her?" Cheetah's sitting besides me at the bar, he's handling Mille death better than the first two weeks. He was drunk out of his mind, fucked I don't know how many sweetbutts even the ugly ones "last week she gave me a call, said she was thinking about coming back, haven't heard from her since"

"Go out and fuck someone, it'll help you get over her. That's what she wants, right?" actually I don't know what she wants, but I'm not fucking this up. I'll wait as long as she wants, and longer "she's given me one to many chances I'm not fucking this up, I know I sound like a pussy but when you find that special girl, there's nothing you wouldn't do for her. I had to fuck up a few times before I realized"

"You do sound like a pussy. She's punishing you for something you weren't to blame for" he empties his beer "she needs time, that's all" if she would get the fuck back here, and we could talk. Not just over the phone, when she has five minutes to spare. It's pissing me off, I feel like I'm losing her and she's the last person I want to lose.

"I'm gonna go talk with Lay, hear if she has heard from her this week"

I take my bike or the bike I've been borrowing ever since I crashed and ride the well-known way to Beasts' house. I hope he isn't home, can't deal with more shit today. It's been long since I've talked to Connie, so I should probably try talking to her. Hear how it's going with Beast back home.

I knock on the door, but no one answers so I walk inside. I can hear Lay talking, so I walk up the stairs to her room before I open the door, I hear her voice "promise you won't tell him, I know you hate keeping secrets, but I need to tell him in person"

"I hate keeping secrets from him, he's like my brother"

"I know, but I'll be there soon...-" I barge in "let me talk to her" I scared the crap out of Lay " what the hell, you can't just barge in here, what if I was naked?" she yells "I don't give a fuck, let me talk to her" she doesn't respond, so I grab the phone from her hand and walk out of her room "blondie, what the fuck's going on?"

"I just... I..." she stutters "I need to go" and then she hangs up. I throw Lays phone at wall, so it smashes "what the hell is your problem, are you insane?" I look at her with rage "you tell me what the hell you two are hiding, or so help me god I'll kill someone"

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now