2. Different taste

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2 years later

"What the hell are you packing? I really don't think you're going to need your winter wardrobe in Las Vegas, you really are fucking crazy" I told Mille.

She looked at me and said "you know that even when it's autumn in Denmark I freeze my ass of, so I'm really going to pack my winter wardrobe"

She is something else, the weather in Denmark isn't too bad, and I think I'm going to miss it. But it's time for a change, and I have been thinking about moving to Las Vegas ever since my mother died. I didn't have the courage to face my father and I'm nervous as hell. I really hope that he is going to think it's nice that I'm moving all this way just to be apart of his life.

But if he doesn't then fuck him. I have lived 22 years without him, so I am certain I can do it again.

"Everything is packed, and we are ready to go. The taxi is waiting downstairs, so get a move on that big ass" Mille told me.

After I sold my mothers house, Mille and I found an apartment in Copenhagen, and decided that we wanted to earn money, so that we could live nice in Las Vegas, until we would find a job there.

It was a nice little apartment with a living room, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. The kitchen was small, but when you live in Copenhagen, there isn't really that much space in the apartments if you don't want to use your months salary on rent.

After my mother died I found out that she had left me quite some money, to be exact she left 1.5 million dollars. But I didn't want to touch it, so I found a job as a bartender. I love mixing drinks, and being a listening ear to the ones who needs it. Sometimes you hear the funniest stories that just makes the job even more fun.

"Hello, are fucking coming or what? We are so going to miss our flight because you keep talking to yourself. Get a move on it Ollie" Mille yelled from the front door.

I took my last bag and went down to the taxi. I can't stop fidgeting in the taxi. Mille look beyond annoyed that I can't sit still. I am so exited to be going to Las Vegas. I have never been to Las Vegas, let alone USA. So this were a really big step, and it wasn't like we were going on vacation, we were actually going to live there, and we didn't know anything about where our apartment were in Las Vegas.

"You got to stop being so much in your head. Everything is going to be fine. It's not like they are going to eat us or anything" Mille said with a smile on her lips.

I knew she was right, but I was so nervous. In 13 hours we were in Las Vegas, and I could go to see my father when I was ready. I thought about sending a letter to let him know that I was coming, but I decided not to. I was afraid he would say that I shouldn't come to see him, but I wanted nothing more than to meet him. So ready or not here I come.

We arrived at the airport 2 hours before the flight so we could get through the checkpoints. After that we decided that we wanted something to eat before the 11 hours and 30 minute flight to Las Vegas. So we went to Mc Donald's, I ordered 2 cheeseburgers, fries and a vanilla milkshake. Mille ordered nuggets, fries and a diet coke. We found a table besides the window.

"We are really doing this, aren't we?" I said to Mille. She looked at me and then said "I think it's time for the both of us to leave our lifes behind in Denmark and enjoy our new adventure."

"You really are the best friend, you are leaving your whole family back here, just to go with me, so I can meet my father. I really don't think a lot of people would move so far away from their family. So thank you from the bottom of my heart"

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