8. Sweaty summertime sex

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Again, I wake up early because, I haven't had time to put up the curtains. I need coffee so I can feel human, I put on an oversize t-shirt and exit my room, only to find Layla standing with her head in the fridge, clearly looking for something. I can smell coffee and right now that's the only thing I need, so I walk over to the cabin where our mugs are, and pour some coffee, and a tablespoon of sugar in the mug. Layla is looking at me with furrowed brows "I know we went shopping yesterday, but you really don't have anything else than alcohol in this kitchen"

"If I didn't have to eat the things I make, I would cook more often and if you want to keep living, don't eat anything Mille makes" I said making my way over to the fridge "will you look at that, we have bread and I think that qualifies as food if I'm not mistaken"

"I mean prober food, not a piece of bread without anything. I think we should go to the diner and get something, I have been up for an hour and really need some food, like right now"

"Sure, I'm going to wake Mille up and you can take a shower in the meantime" I said making my way to Milles room. This is going to be fun, I'm 100% certain she has a hangover.


We're all walking to the diner freshly showered, Mille walking slow as ever. She threw her phone in my face when I woke her up, and I can feel a bruise on my forehead. Just great when I'm seeing Knife later. Thank god, that someone invented makeup.

"So, are you going to tell us anything about what happened with Knife and you?" Layla asks, Mille is just nodding.

"Nothing to tell really, we kissed and got interrupted by that slut Shanie or whatever her name is" I said, still slightly pissed that we had to end right there. But maybe it's a good thing, I would have jumped him right there and then if she didn't.

"You mean Jasmine right, she's always all over Knife. She's so convinced that if she keeps fucking him, he'll make her his old lady. It's so pathetic to look at. Sometimes when he's been with another girl, she's just sitting in the corner crying her eyes out" Layla said laughing. I feel kinda bad for the girl but come on. Just by looking at the man, you see he's never going to be the man with a girlfriend.

"That's just sad, but she must be really fucking stupid if she thinks they're ever going to work, if he keeps fucking around" Mille now said, clearly waking up a bit after she got her coffee. "Is that all you want to tell us?"

"What do you mean, should there be anything else to tell?" I said. They don't know Knife asked me to go with him after the dinner tonight, and I don't think I want to tell them right now. Mille may be my best friend, but Layla's dad is Jonas and if she accidental slip it, I don't think dinner is going to be so nice. But I have to tell Mille why I'm not going home with her tonight, so when Layla is going home, I'll tell Mille.

Mille and Layla are both looking at me, but doesn't say anything and start eating their food, and so do I.


We're back at the apartment and Layla are packing her things so she can go home.

"We'll see you tonight Layla, drive safe" I say

"You sure, you're ok to get there by yourself tonight. I can get dad to get someone to drive you there."

"We'll be just fine, nothing an uber can't find" I say and give Layla a hug and then she walks out the door to her car. I sit down in the couch and turn on the tv. I feel mentally drained from these last couple of days. Everything has been so crazy, finding my dad, a whole new family  and meeting Knife. I don't know what to think about him yet, I really want to bang him and that he's good looking. But there's something about him, something mysterious and I really want to figure out what that is. Maybe tonight I'll get something out of him.

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