16. Browser history

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We're at the hospital waiting for Mille to wake up. Her injuries weren't as bad as we thought, she has a broken arm and a concussion. I just don't get how it happened, Knife said there wasn't a sign of someone breaking in, but he has all the brothers looking for clues on what went down. I can't help but feel guilty, I should have been home sooner, her text should have woken me up. I shouldn't have taken such a long shower with Knife I should have been home.

"Blondie, it's not your fault" he does it again, knowing just what I'm thinking but I can't help but feel it's my fault.

"I should have been home, I should have been there for her. She must have been so scared taking such a bad beating. She looks so much worse than I did." And that's another thing, I can't help but think back to that night at Venom, how scary that was. What I did to get away from that monster. I going to vomit so I run to the nearest bathroom and empty my stomach. I lean my head against the toilet, I feel hot, too hot. I get up and splash some water in my face. I need to stay strong, this is not about me. This is about Mille I need to remember that.

When I got out of the bathroom, I see Knife leaning against the wall waiting for me. I run into his arms and cling to him, then I start crying. "Blondie, please don't cry. I can't stand it" I just keep sobbing. "She's fine, she's going to be fine and we'll do whatever it takes to find whoever did this." We keep standing there I'm unable to move, Knife just keeps rubbing my back and kiss my hair while telling me everything will be okay.

I don't know how long we've been standing there, but suddenly I can hear my dad yelling, demanding to get some answers. Knife let go of me and walk over to him, trying to calm him down. When Layla sees me, she runs over to me and hugs me. "We thought that something had happened to both of you." She hugs me so tightly I can barely breath and I just let her "Knife was so upset that he didn't exactly pinpoint who had been hospitalized." I try to get out of her grip "Oh, sorry"

"I should probably go talk to dad then." Layla lets go of me and we both walk towards Knife and my dad.

"Dad relax, nothing happened to me. I was with Knife when it happened." Knife puts his arm around me. My dad points at Knifes arm "we're going to talk about that later" and then he gives me a wink. "Now let me hug my daughter" Knife take his arm away and my dad embraces me in a bear hug.

"You're going to crush me if you don't let go soon, dad" he barely let go before Knife again put his arm around me. I feel safe when he's here, but much safer now that my dad is here too. My dad has that aura around him, that makes everyone take a few steps back and try not to get in his way. But I know, he's one sentimental guy, just as the big guy right beside me. I look up at him, who's already looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"Are you here for Mille Solberg?" a doctor asks. I almost run over to her "Yes, can I see her now?" the doctor nods, "don't ask to many questions, she needs more rest, but she wouldn't hear it. Wanted to check if her best friend were fine." I look at Knife, that's weird. Why wouldn't I be alright? He gives me the same weird look, something isn't right here.

The doctor shows us the way to Milles room, and there she is. Her arm in cast and her swollen face, she looks bad. So much worse than I did. I run over to her bed and squeeze her "motherfucker that hurts" I instantly let go "sorry, just happy to see you" Knife has taken a chair and put it beside her bed for me to sit in. "Maybe we can keep the hugs at a minimum for now –" I nod "and don't worry Layla I know you're just exploding inside with the need to hug me. But that'll have to wait I need to talk to Ollie" she's looking at me, trying to say something "So if you all could get out, that would be great." My dad and Layla walk out, but Knife just keep standing by my side with a hand on my shoulder.

I get up from the chair, take his hand and put it on my cheek. "Nobody is in here, I'm fine and Mille is fine. We just need to talk, you'll be right outside making sure nobody gets in." I look him in the eyes "I love you, but I need to be alone with her right now, so please." He presses a kiss on my lips and walks out.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now