21. Flying fuck

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"It feels like we've been here for an eternity." Mille bangs her head against the table. We're sitting outside enjoying the sun, she's right though we've been here for two days but it feels like forever and it's like everywhere I look fake blonde bitch is there. That's not even the worst thing, Knife has been avoiding me, but what's even worse is that Lil'John has been avoiding Layla just as much. I can handle being rejected, I'm a big girl but Layla's so sensitive, and she was waiting for the right guy to take her virginity. Guys are just horrible sometimes.

"Yeah, I really just want to go home." Layla looks so sad all the time, like a puppy that has just been taken away from its mother. "okay, we'll make the most of it tonight, the guys have been partying and we've been sitting in a room watching cry movies for two days. Are you girls with me?" we need to do something about Layla, but first I need to talk to my dad about it.

We haven't talked since he asked questions about Deadly and besides that I haven't exactly wanted to talk to him after he yelled at me that night, I've lost some respect for him and I don't know what to do about it yet. "I'm just going to talk to dad about us drinking tonight and I'll get him to agree that's a promise Layla." Layla sends me a little smile "are you sure you can do it?" I give her a wink, "otherwise I'll have to talk to your mom about it" I get up from my chair and walk towards my dad's office.

"You're telling me that The Angels of Death got on our ground, and nobody knows how they did it? Are you completely incompetent all of you?" I'm standing outside my dad's office, listening in on their conversation or anyone who would be going this way would hear my dad roaring inside their sacred church. "I'll give you one more day to come up with something before heads are going to roll, now leave." Shit, shit, shit, should I hide or just stay? I don't get the time to make a decision before the door is being ripped open "move it, bitch" wow, Cross is mad. I've said it before, but he's actually pretty hot and if it wasn't for Knife, I would've probably jumped his bones for me he would be more of a conquest, I really couldn't see myself in a relationship with him.

"That sour face doesn't suit you, I like it better when you smile." I send Cross a wink and make sure Knife sees it. This just made my day "was it him, blondie?" I look at him expressionless "that's one thing you'll never find out. Could you move so I can talk to Beast" he keeps standing there "this conversation's not done."

"I can promise you it's very much done, I'll fuck whoever I want to and there's nothing you can do about it. Now go find your little slut" I push him away, walks inside my dad's office and slams the door in Knifes face.

My dad's sitting in his chair with an amused look on his face "you two should really find out what it is you want, there's enough shit going on right now I don't need my brothers fighting" I smile "there's not going to be a fight, I haven't been with anyone besides Knife from this club" my dad laughs "oh I know, but Knife really doesn't, he's been asking everyone if they've seen anything and everyone just keep saying no" I laugh "it's the only fun thing doing here right now, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about"

I sit in the chair standing in front of my dad's desk "what can I do for you then?" I scratch my head "well, I don't know if you've noticed but Layla has been kinda down and I want to cheer her up so I thought...-" my dad holds a finger up in the air "believe me I've noticed, and before you ask any favors tell me why my little girl is sad" I shake my head "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. If Layla wants to tell you she'll do that, but it isn't really my place to tell you" my dad scratches his chin "I thought I would give it a try, now tell me what you want"

"Let me start off with, you're the best dad, a great leader, a...-"my dad cuts me off "stop the ass kissing and get to the point."

"Alright, us girls have been behaving, we just want some drinks and have a little party on the roof. Just Layla, Mille and I, no guys, no funny business, you have my promise" I cross my fingers, I'm not making any promises we're just having fun tonight.

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