17. Bitch switch

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It's been two days since Mille got hospitalized and she's allowed to come home. But the thing is, we aren't allowed to stay in our apartment. It's not like I want to be there when something like that could happen, but still. My dad insisted I stayed at their house, it was great the first few hours, but every time Knife comes over my dad has some bullshit reason to stay in the same room as us, or he suddenly have something to talk to Knife about.

I think it's because Layla never had a boyfriend, he really doesn't know how to handle it, but it has really put a damper on our sex life. We haven't had sex since we did it at the bathroom and it's like every time, I see Knife I can't control my emotions I really don't think I can control my lust one more day. Every time my dad sees us kiss, he just stands there looking at us, so creepy.

"Hey blondie, come in here-" I can hear Knife is in the guestroom and my dad isn't home yet. This is our chance "god I've waited for this moment..."

"Don't talk, just get these clothes off" I've already rip half of my clothes off "move it before my dad comes home" I jump in Knife arms and swing my legs around him, he's about to walk over to the bed "there's no time to waste, just do me now. It's like my dad has a tracker on you, he always knows when we're together"

"Please stop talking about your dad, if you want me to fuck you" he slides a finger inside me. Those long, talented fingers "you're so tight, so wet, so fucking soft" I moan "I need you inside me now"

"Blondie, we got time. We'll do this one nice and slow" he put me on the bed. He lies beside me and slide two fingers inside me "I've thought about this for the last two days" I tried taking his dick in my hands, needed to feel him, needed to feel he wanted me "let me do this for you, blondie. Let me show you how much I want you" he keeps pumping his fingers, massaging my clit, and I can feel my orgasm building up "god"

"That's it blondie, let me hear you" he kiss my neck, my lips, keeps circling my clit, pumping his fingers and just as I'm about to come I can hear my dad yelling "where are you guys, I know Knife is here" I facepalm myself, off course this had to happen, what a fucking mood killer. "If we just stay quiet, maybe he'll go away"

"Yeah blondie, we both know that's not going to happen anytime soon." I get up from bed "you wait here, we aren't done by a long shot." I take Knifes shirt, put on my panties and walk out the door, down the stairs.

"Are you serious right now? Can't we have a moment of privacy, it's like you have a tracker on the guy."

"Just making sure you guys aren't moving to fast. I don't want him breaking your heart again, and I don't want to be a grandfather yet. Just making sure it won't happen."

"You're making a fool of yourself right now, A) it's called birth control, I hope you've heard about it before and B) the only thing broken right now is my mood." He's so overprotective. "I've said it before and now I'll say it again, I lost my virginity a loooooong time ago, there's nothing to protect. You have sex, I have sex and right now I'm going up there and fucking Knife as long as I want to. I suggest you leave, because this one's going to be loud." Before he can say another word, I walk upstairs and make my way to the guestroom.

"Now, where were we?" I take his shirt of and walk seductively over to the bed "the thought about you yelling at your dad, turned me even more on. Now get over here, then I'll show you just how much" I jump to bed and sit on top of him, he quickly turns us around. Kissing me with such a hunger, moving down the neck, his hands everywhere on my body. He kisses farther and farther down until he reaches my nipple and sucks it. Sucks so soft that turns everything on in me. I burn, need to feel him. Need the orgasm I was so close to. His one hand spreads my leg while supporting his weight on the other forearm. He puts his hand on my pussy, his fingers running up and down my slit. He bites lightly in my nipple, makes it hard and stiff.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now