28. I'll find you

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A couple of days have gone by. Knife has been amazing, tending to my every need. He gets up with me every morning, holding my hair while I throw up everything I got, I told him it wasn't necessary because I feel disgusting, but he told me that he wants to be a part of everything that's happening. I know he just wants to show me that he's supporting me.

I wake up, something isn't right here so I turn around and see that he isn't there. That's strange, I don't get to think about it anymore before I run to the bathroom and throw up "you better start behaving, I know you're in there you don't have to remind me every morning" I say while touching my stomach.

We have our first ultra sound today at 1pm, and I'm so excited. We're finally going to see if everything's okay, to hear its heartbeat for the first time. My mom told me that there's nothing better than hearing that sound and I just know that she's right.

I need some food and find Knife. I need to make sure he remembers today, everyone have been so busy because they're closing in on finding The Sinners. The day after Knife claimed me, he told me about it being them who shot at us, and I know that he feels even more responsible for Milles death after finding out it was them. I was angry at first, but none of us could have predicted them coming back after they thought the club was dead.

I put one of Knifes shirts on and walk downstairs. This place needs a cleaning lady, maybe I should hire someone, I only use the bathroom in Knifes room because I know it's clean and it's only clean because I make sure it is. It's 8am right now and I can't see any of the brothers, normally they wouldn't be up at this hour, so I know something is going on. I'll just go and listen at the door to church, maybe pick up a few things.

"So, we know where they are hiding now, what's the plan then?" it's Cross talking, the way he talks I can just picture his proud face for finally finding them, he has been glued to his office and computer all the time I've been gone and these couple of days too.

"Cross you continue to monitor what's happening there and Death you'll make sure we got enough guns and ammunition to take them down" it's my dad talking, we haven't talked much since he found out about me being pregnant, but he's warming up to the idea of being a granddad.

"Bring me their president, I want to tear him a part, I'm gonna make him suffer the same way we all have" Cheetah yells, and they all start yelling and cheering. They're so blood thirsty and I am too, but I could never kill someone, so I'll let them do the honor.

"Church over" my dad says, fucking shit I need to hide. I know I'm not supposed to know anything about it, I open the first door I see which leads to my dad's office, I just hope my dad isn't going in here before I get a chance to get out of here but that's now happening. I quickly hide behind my dad's desk before the door opens. Why did I even do that, I'm being so stupid right now.

"I need you here so that when Death is done, we can get this over with and we can move on"

"I have the ultra sound with Ollie at noon, she'll kill me if I'm not there" and I will, we booked the time and he told me that he would be there, I can already feel my blood boiling. Am I supposed to go alone then, they want me to have one with me at all time after the note from Deadly, but who's supposed to go with me if they're all going after The Sinners?

"Let's hope you'll make it in time then, otherwise there's always pictures. Come on we're going to get something to eat now, and then you can tell Ollie"

"Yeah, leave the hard part to me" my dad laughs "she's your problem now" I'll give him a problem to solve, but I'm gonna wait here and let them figure out what my problem is. I hear the door open and close. I keep sitting under the desk for a good five minutes before I get up, I need to get out of here and come up with an excuse because I know Knife is running around the house looking for me.

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