29. Dog breath

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"Ollie wake up" I feel a kick at me feet. I can't open my eyes or move my hands. What the hell happened? Then I realize what happened and I snap my eyes wide open. Lil'John is sitting opposite me with his hands chained to the wall behind him. I see the dried blood down his face. I look down at my hands and see that they're chained too.

"Where are we, how long have we been here?" Don't panic now, everything's gonna be fine. Knife will come for me, I know that. We just need to survive until he does.

"Don't know where we are, or for how long but you've been out for long. They've been down here checking a few times" he pulls the chains, trying to get free. "I'm sorry Ollie, I was supposed to take care of you"

I shake my head, "none of us could have predicted this, but the brothers are coming for us and we'll both make it out of here" I too try to pull my chains, I look down at the cuffs and notice mine aren't so tight, maybe I can get out of them and help Lil'John.

"I think I can get out of these cuffs, I just need to squeeze my hand together" perks of having small wrists. "Ollie, don't do anything stupid"

"We need to get out of here, and I'll do anything. I'm getting back to my man, and you're coming with me" I spit on my hand, making my hand moist helping to get my hands through the cuffs. As I get out of them I crawl over to Lil'John.

"How am I going to get you out of these?" Lil'John stares at me, and it's freaking me out "take that bobby pin out, and then I'll talk you through how you'll pick these locks" he talks me through it, and I pick the first when we hear commotion outside the door "Ollie get back, we don't need them doing anything rash" he has taken the bobby pin from me, and I think he's trying to pick the other lock.

"Finally, you're up baby" I don't even need to look up, I can know it's his voice the way my whole body starts to shake "or should I call you blondie?" he asks with an evil smirk.

"Shut up you sick fuck" he get down on his knees and put his hand on mine "now, now that's no way to talk to your man" he pull my hand and see it's not in its cuffs "shoot whoever cuffed her, they did a poor job" he says still not taking his eyes of me, a guy walks out the door and a minute later I hear a gunshot. I bite my lip, trying to hold back my scream.

"Now baby, come with me. This is no place for my girl" he grabs my arm so hard I know it'll bruise, I gotta put on the good girl act if I want to survive this. I get up on my feet and start walking with Deadly "oh and shoot the guy, we don't need him"

"No, don't shoot him, I'll do anything, just don't shoot him" I try to get out of his grip, I can't stand the feeling of his hands on me, my skin is crawling, and my mind is instantly goes back to the night at Venom. I feel the vomit in my mouth, I just need to swallow it. Okay Ollie, time to put your big girl pants on, and do whatever it takes.

I look at Deadly and I try to put on my best smile, with the hand that is free I put my hand on his chest and look him in the eye "I'll be a good girl, if you let him live" I say while biting my bottom lip, god I already feel disgusting.

"Alright, but every time you don't behave, I'll punish him, you got that?" he almost yells in my face, "say it, don't spray it" I say, and I know I should have shut up instead.

"Baby, if you want him to survive the day you better start behaving" and then I hear a loud sound, it doesn't even sound human, what the hell did they do to him? The guy who grabbed me from the car comes out with an ear and I throw up. Did they seriously cut off his ear for that? I really need to start behaving.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't hurt him anymore" I say with tears, I need to save Lil'John "Loco is gonna stay down here with him, and every time you misbehave, he's gonna lose something, you decide how much" he says with a sinister look.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now