24. Real apology

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"How's she holding up?" I shrug my shoulders "She hasn't spoken to me since the night Mille died. The only thing she does is lay in bed or sitting on the roof" I'm at the bar with Cheetah I know it's hard for him to but he's more concerned about blondie at the moment, and of course finding whoever did this. No one has taken responsibility for what happened, and we haven't had much to go on.

It's been three days, we aren't in lockdown anymore and Milles parents are coming today, not that it mattered for blondie. I heard her talk with Mille's parents the same night she died and no matter what I tried to do, she just pushed me away.

"Church, 15 minutes" Cross yells. Beast is on a warpath and every brother wants to go on a killing spree. I want that too, but the most important thing for me is that blondie starts talking again. We've talked about what she went through when her mom died and how Mille saved her. I don't know if she wants to be saved this time.

I take my place besides Beast with Cross on his other side "someone better have something; my daughter was almost killed and Mille died. There has to be some fucking clue or lead" you can see Beast is furious, he hasn't spoken to Connie or Layla these past days and the only words he speaks with me is when he yells how this could all have been avoided if it wasn't for me and I know that. I think that's one of the reasons I'm not pressuring blondie more than I do, I know she blames me. I know she blames us all, but mostly herself.

I don't know how to deal with all these feelings, I don't want them "I think I found something, but you're going to think I'm shitting you" Cross says "could you just tells us for fuck sake" I slam my fist in the table "it looks like The Sinners have risen from the grave" you can hear Beast take a deep breath and then he starts "what the fuck are you talking about, they're all dead. This is not possible, we got them all for Knife" he gets up and throws a knife at the wall "if they have risen, you're going to find them all and give them to me. I'm going to kill them all and I'll smile while I do it" everyone is roaring and cheering.

How the hell is this possible, my first thought was that it had everything to do with The Angels of Death. I made sure everyone from The Sinners died, who the fuck did I miss? Was this attack because of me? Blondie's never going to forgive me if that's the case. Cheetah and I weren't exactly hiding our first body, we threw him outside their clubhouse with a card saying we were coming for them. Cheetah had really done a number on the guy. But no one should have survived, so how is this possible?

"We've got one more thing to talk about, who's taking Ollie to get Milles parents?" Beast is asking, I would do it but after this I can't. It's bad enough that we aren't talking but now, knowing that's probably my fault alone, until I know how to tell her, I need to keep my distance "no volunteers... I don't want to do I either"

"Couldn't we get Connie to do it, Ollie talks to her" Cross asks, everyone knows that she isn't talking to me, we're sleeping in the same room, but she's not there. She cries all night, and that's the only time I can touch her, hold her, try to take her pain away but nothing works.

"I'll ask Connie and if she can't then you're going to Car. You can all go now" I get up and start walking towards the door "Knife, wait" it's not good the prez and VP are arguing but we both want what's best for blondie, and we have different opinions on what's best for her. I walk back to the table and look at Beast "is she ready for today?"

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I haven't got a clue on what's going on in that head of hers" and it's true, my blondie isn't there anymore. She disappeared with Mille, it's just a shell of her right now "right, I'll find Connie now, could you check on Ollie, see if she's ready for the airport?" I nod, I really don't want to, but I need to show her I support her right now, and after that I need to figure out what I'm gonna say to her.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now