5. Morning person

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The sun is shining trough my window "what a bitch" I groaned. I'm not a morning person unless it starts at noon, and this most certainly can't be noon. Why isn't there any curtains in this place, note to self buy curtains so I can sleep, since I'm not going back to sleep I walk out to the kitchen to check what kinda things we need to survive in this place.

"We could use some coffee, vine, beer, vodka, fruit, yoghurt and some bread, I think that's it"

"Why the hell doesn't this place have curtains? That mother fucking sun ruined my sleep. So when you're done talking to your self, do you think we could go out and buy some?" Mille said with a grumpy looking face.

"Why off course your highness, I was just checking what kinda groceries we need to survive in the mornings and remember we have to buy new phones so we can contact each"

"And give our number to hot guys" Mille said, now with a big smile.

"Yeah that too, let's take a shower and then get going. We can eat at the diner before we go shopping, how does that sound?" just as I said it my stomach growled.

"It sounds like you need some food, but that's a great idea"

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water so it could be the right temperature, meanwhile I took off my oversize t-shirt and my panties, walked in to the shower and started washing my hair, I used my honey scented shampoo and then put conditioner in my hair, while it was doing it's magic I shaved everything that needed shaving in case I met a guy tonight and I could sneak away with him without Jonas seeing anything I'm crossing my fingers. I used a body scrub after that I used my honey scent body shampoo. The shower is nice, I can scrub the plane smell away and smell of alcohol and smoke from the bar is also going down the drain.

I left the shower and informed Mille that she could take a shower. I walked in to my room in my towel, trying to find some clothes that didn't make me feel like I'm melting.

I found a teal tight mid thigh skirt, put on a white top, my hair in a high loose ponytail and a pair of white sandals. In all my mess I found my strawberry perfume and put some on.

Another note to self, clean your room it looks like a pigsty.

I walked out of my room and sat in the grey armchair waiting for Mille. Five minutes later she walked out from her room with a dark green maxi dress a pair of black sandals and her hair in a high messy bun.

I whistled and said "My my, if I weren't straight I would have made a move on you"

"Let's just go, I'm starving and I want a new phone it feels like I'm cut out from the world. Haven't checked facebook or instagram in more than 24 hours, how do people survive without it?"

I chuckled and rose from the armchair walking up to the door taking my purse and keys and walked out the door. Mille shut it and locked it. We first went to the diner, and it smelled delicious in here. I saw a table by the window and sat down. We had barely sat down before Layla came running against us and squealed "I've always wanted a sister and now I got one" She then threw her arms around me in a very awkward hug. I stood up from the chair so I could give a prober hug. "My mom is so exited, she is all over this party, she was up all night and had all the brothers doing chores the whole night and morning to be ready for you. It's going to be epic" Layla couldn't hold back her big smile.

"That sounds great but I didn't want to be a burden for you guys, surely the guys must have needed their sleep"

"Oh the guys are used to being up all night drinking, and living on a few hours of sleep, they are going to manage, plus mom always make a strong coffee to get them going. But you are here for food I guess, so what can I get you?"

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now