3. Heels from hell

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Mille and I plopped down in the couches to relax a bit. Jet lag is a full blown bitch, so it didn't take long for us to fall asleep.

After a couple of hours we both woke up an agreed we should go out and see a bit of the place our apartment is placed. When we talked about renting an apartment I Las Vegas, Mille and I quickly agreed that we wanted to live a bit outside Las Vegas. We are used to noise from back home, but I don't think the noise in Las Vegas can compare to that, and I very much like my sleep. 

I put on a yellow maxi dress, removed all my make up, took out my contact lenses, put on my glasses and hopped in a pair of sandals, I took out my scrunchie so my hair is free, and my curls wild.

Mille had put on a black loose dress that stop an inch over her knee, her hair is also loose, and a pair of sneakers. 

I took my keys and purse, and we walked out the door, I shut it and locked it behind me. 

"Maybe we should find something to eat, I feel like I haven't eaten in ages and I'm starting to get hangry and you don't wanna be near me when that happens" Mille explained

"Yeah I think food is just what we need. According to google maps there is a diner just down the street, let's just go there and eat" I said smiling. I couldn't stop myself from smiling all the time. We were finally here, now I just had to find the perfect way to meet my dad. I didn't want to just show up at his home, so I am going to find him at the bar that the club owns. I looked it up before we left from Denmark, and as I could understand they owned a bar called "The Lion".

"When we are done eating I want to visit the bar that they supposedly own. Just to check it out, and maybe find out something about my father before I face him" I told Mille and looked at her with a serious face expression. "I know every time you hear the word bar, you think about getting drunk and find a guy for the night, but that's not our mission tonight"

"Alright, alright not going to find a guy and definitely don't get drunk, I totally get it" she said pouting.

After walking for five more minutes we reached the diner. I've never been to an american diner, it's so different from what we have in Denmark, we don't have anything similar to it. The diner looked like some I've seen in movies, very cute and the smell inside made my mouth water, I could feel that I was starving, just as I got the thought I could hear Milles stomach growl loudly.

"Let's get a table and order some food, I don't think I can survive another ten minutes without food. Uh and look that table by the window is free, come on girl"Mille said, almost running to the table. I followed her, and sat opposite of her.

"What can I get you to ladies?" a young girl asked us she was dressed in a typical american diner uniform, had short strawberry blond hair with curls, big dark blue eyes, her name tag said "Layla"

"Yeah so I want a cheeseburger, with fries, diet coke, fruit salad and a piece of cherry pie, what du you want Ollie?"

"I just want a cheeseburger with fries and a vanilla milkshake, please"

"Is that all I can get you girls?" Layla asked us.

I looked at her, maybe she knew something about my father. So here it goes "do you happen to know a guy named Jonas Anderson, he is supposed to live around here?"

Layla looked at me with a weird facial expression. I don't like how this is turning out, just by looking at her.

"Mh, why do you wanna know about him?"

"Well it's kinda personal, but I just wanted to know somethings about him, but it's cool if you don't want to say anything" I looked at her, I said a little prayer, just hoping she would tell me something.

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