32. So will you, um, marry me?

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"Whatever you want to know, I'll answer"

"What happened with my dad, and please tell me everything" he says and sits up. Of course he has every right to know, he just need to know that I would never blame him.

"Okay, but first you need to know I don't blame you and you should stop blaming yourself. It happened, and it was scary but I made it out alive and so did the baby, that's what's important" I say nervously, he gives me at wet kiss on the lips.

"I'm working on it, but I think it'll help if you tell me everything"

"Okay, your mother cheated on him, with the president from The Sinners and that's why he wanted you dead. You where supposed to die the day your mother did, only from starvation rather than being shot" I say and feel the tears well up in my eyes I'm so damn hormonal . I lean my head against his chest "I'm sorry I have to tell you all of this."

"Blondie, I need this. Need to hear you tell me everything"

"He tortured me, wanted me to suffer before he killed me. Wanted me to abort our baby, just to destroy you" I say while rubbing my stomach, if I lost the baby I don't think I would have been so calm about it all.

He puts his hand on my stomach "how can you not blame me for all of this, why are you still here?"

It's my fault that I've made him so unsure about me, about me leaving. "Talking to that psychologist helped me, I'm glad I could tell someone outside the club what happened and she gave me the answers I needed, assured me that everything I did was okay"

"Believe me, I think I'm a freak, I killed two people and my conscience is totally clean." I get out of bed and walk around "but after talking to a psychologist I realised I did it to survive, and everything is okay when you're fighting for you life."

Knife gets out of bed too, and walk towards me putting his arms around me "I'm sorry, I should have been there for you. I just didn't want you to hate me, I need you and the baby in my life" I put both my hands on his cheeks and pulls his face close to mine "we need you too"

I wake up, with the sun shining in my face. I'm still not over the whole puking at 7am, so I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach but I'm calm because then I know there's a baby in there. I get in the shower.

Knife was acting weird after we ate, like he was nervous and I'm freaking out. There's nothing he can do there will make me run away, but if it's that he's nervous about I have to show him I'm committed to this relationship and there's only one way to do that.

I get out of the shower and walk to the bedroom looking for some clothes, after putting on a pair of shorts and a hoodie I sit on the bed. "Skat" I whisper and kiss him on the cheek.

He stirs lightly but continues his sleep. For once he slept with me all night, as I said he's been chained to the office, but he told me last night why and I can't even begin to understand why he have been torturing himself so much. So that's the reason he has been so distance with me. Everyone can understand that, and I feel like an idiot making it all about my needs, when I should have been thinking about his too.

I walk out to the bathroom and start doing my hair. I need to get him out of the clubhouse today, so I can make a surprise for him. I'm ready, everything just have to be perfect.

"Blondie, I've told you a million times you have to wake me, when the baby wakes you" he says while putting his arms around me and kiss me on top of my head "and you even showered without me" he says and pouts.

"I thought you needed the sleep, and you just looked so cute" I say while turning around. "You should hang out with your brothers today, show them what a great bike I bought you"

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now