12. Soulmate

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Knife breathes heavily. His face is distressed in lust. For me. Who has done nothing but react helplessly to him. His hand on my breast moves up to my cheek and strokes it.

"You blush. I've embarrassed you."

"Yes." His smile is both shabby and enthusiastic, and it makes my heart lace up completely.

"I want to feel my sperm in you when I fuck you with my fingers. I want you to feel my sperm in you, so you think about how I looked and what sounds I made when I pumped it out and while you think about it, you'll look forward to doing it over and over again."

My pussy contracted around his pumping fingers, his unspoken words brought me to the edge of an orgasm.

"I'm going to tell you all the ways you need to satisfy me, Ollie, and you're going to do it all ... take it all, and we're going to have explosive, animal, unrestrained sex. You know that, don't you? You can feel how it will be between us."

"Yes," I moaned and clutched my breasts to relieve the deep longing in my erect nipples. "Come on, Knife."

"Shh .. I have it under control." His thumb strokes over my clitoris in gentle circles.

"Look me in the eye when you come for me." Everything pulled together inside me, the excitement that was built up, while he's massaging my clit and pushing his fingers in and out in a smooth, slow rhythm.

"Come for me, Ollie" He commands "Now."

I come with a long moan, my knuckles white on the couchie, while my hips pump against his hands. My brain is long gone. My gaze is sticking to him, unable to look away, captivated by the fiery masculine triumph that sparkled in his eyes. I'll do everything he wants. And he knows. He owns me.

A burning pleasure pulsated through me. He put my one leg over the backrest of the sofa and put his mouth over my slit. I tried to push his head away with my hands.

"I can't." I was too swollen, too sensitive. But when his tongue touched my clit, the desire began to rebuild. Much more intense than first time. He lets his tongue slip along my quivering slit, teases me with promises of another orgasm when I know I can't get one again so fast. Then his tongue jogged into me, and I bite my lip to suppress a scream that would surely awaken Layla. I came for the second time in less that 10 minutes, my body shaking violently, sore muscles pulling together around his generous tongue. His groaning vibrates in me. I have no strength to push him away when he returns to my clit and gently sucks .. tirelessly .. until I came again, screaming his name.

"Wow" That's the only thing to say right now. My mind is totally blank, I've never had such a powerful orgasm.

"I don't think I can ever get enough of you, now that I've gotten a taste." He kisses me up the stomach, up to my breasts. He licks each of my nipples and pulls me up with his arms around my back. My body is completely relaxed and manageable in his grip, while he kisses me with a vigor that reveals how close he was.

The door slams open and in walks Mille "Ollie, you won't believe how big..- oh sorry, didn't know you had company." She gives me a wink, I'm fumbling trying to close my robe and I know my face is all red. Knife on the other hand looks completely cool until Layla walks in.

"Thank god you're home Mille, I don't know how much longer I could have listened to these to" pointing at Knife and me. It's nice to see Knife just as embarrassed as me. He walks over to the armchair and puts on his leather cut then he walks over to me, gives me a kiss and whisper "Be ready at 7, I don't like waiting" he then walks past Mille out the door.

"You're going to tell us everything, but first. What the hell happened to your face?"

"Nothing just got in a fight with some chicks. Now, tell me everything about how big your guy is." Trying to steer the conversation away from Knife and me.

Lions Den MC(Knife) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now