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"Where's Miss Cleo?" Gazzy and Diego asked in sync as they approached me outside the school.

"She said she has to do something so we have to walk," I explained as we walked the three blocks to my house. "Man I hope that kid don't come stay with us. Like where's his father?"

"Where's your father?" Gazzy asked.


"I think it's nice. I mean I wish I had someone to take me in when my parents died in that car crash. I mean I was forced to fend for myself because I don't have any family," Deigo sighed.

"Yeah, I guess it's nice, but I don't want to share my mom with him," I crossed my arms.

"Man, you gotta chill, just be nice," Gazzy sighed.

"Whatever I guess," I said as we approached my house. I unlocked the door with my key and we walked upstairs to my bedroom. I opened the door to reveal a dark skinned boy sitting on my bed with his knees to his chest, crying. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked.

He looked at me with a panicked expression and jumped off my bed, "I- Sorry." He got up and walked out of the room as he head hung low.

"Was that him?" Gazzy asked.

"I think so?" I sighed as I sat down.

"Go get him," Deigo told me.

"No,you go," I rolled my eyes.

He rolled his eyes and disappeared into the hallway.


I walked into the hallway and sat on the floor like I used to do when my mom would have company. She would make me sit outside our apartment while she "handled business". One time I stayed outside all night. I was cold as hell.

I pulled sat criss cross apple sauce on the floor and throw my hoodie of my head as I lean into the wall.

"Hey, you okay?" A mexican boy sat down next to me.

I nod my head and look at the floor, "Y-Yeah." A lie I've been telling since my dad died three years ago. After he died, my mom got bad. I mean she was already bad on drugs, but he helped her some what manage it. But it didn't help that he started doing them too. That's how he died. He Overdosed on Xanax.

When he died, my mom got worse. She let men have sex with me for drugs. It went way too far when she sold gave me to her dealer for drugs. I guess I got lucky when he turned out to be a under cover fed. I have never been so grateful. And when Cleo picked me up from the group home I was happy. She said she's my godmother, but I don't remember her. I guess that makes sense since I haven't seen her since I was like three.

I teared up at the memories. I hated that I was the one that found my dad dead in the pool. I blamed myself. I still do. If I would have just came home from Juniors house ten minutes earlier, I would have been able to save him.

"Hey you good?" The mexican boy asked me again. He reached to wipe my tears away and I flinched.

"N-no s-stop," I stood up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I turned the shower on and sat on the floor against the door as I cried as hard as I could. I just want the pain to stop.


"Damn it's bad," Deigo shook his head as he walked back into the room and sat down.

"What happened?" Gazzy asked.

"Why does it matter?" I rolled my eyes.

"Jah he's hurt. His mom sold him and who knows about his dad," Deigo looked at me.

"I don't give a fuck. I don't have a dad either," I shrugged. I noticed a two suitcases standing next to my closet and I figured they were Stockly's. "Wonder what's in here?" I said as I laid one down and opened it.

I saw a bunch of clothes, they spelled bomb. I wonder what soap he uses. Under the clothes was some pictures. One of him, a lady, and a man standing together. That must be his parents. There was another one of someone's casket. Stokeley was standing next to it, putting a rose inside. I wonder who that is.

"Jah stop going through his stuff," Gazzy glared at me. "Why are you trippin?"

"This fuck ass kid just barged into my life, I'm supposed to not care?" I I rolled my eyes as I started to zip up the suitcase.

The door opened slowly and Stockly walked in. He looked at me and his eyes teared up, "S-sorry." His voice cracked and he turned and walked away.

"Jah, that's fucked up," Deigo shook his head and stood up. "This ain't it. Stop being a dick," he walked out of my room. Gazzy stood up shaking his head and followed behind him.

"Man, let me know when you're done trippin'" he sighed.

How the hell? Who the fuck? You're supposed to be on my side. Y'all is my friends what the hell? I zipped the suitcase up and put it back.


Why is that kid so mean? Like why would you go through my things? I just want to see my dad again. Grandma May. My sister. They all died. But I miss them dearly. I mostly miss Kennedy, My sister. She always kept me safe. She started dating a guy from a gang to try to get me some protection, but that nigga killed her when she applied for college out of state. If she wasn't trying to protect me, she would still be alive. I will always hate myself for that.

I walked downstairs, looking for somewhere to sleep. I came across this huge ass closet under the stairs. There wasn't nothing in there but blankets resting on a shelf and some shoes lying on the floor. I moved the shoes to the side and then grabbed two blankets. I rolled one up to use as a pillow and then laid on it, covering up with the other one.

As I laid down, I started thinking about how my whole life has changed in the last week. I miss Kennedy. I want to be with her. My big sister was my rock and I wouldn't be here without her.

With that thought lingering in my mind, I drifted off to sleep.

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