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YUME was born last night! I wanna see what he looks like. It just really sucks that X wont be able to meet his baby. My heart hurts for him.


Jahseh and I walked home together today. I stayed completely quiet as we walked off the campus together.

"How was your first day?" He asked.

"You don't have to pretend to be nice to me. I'll tell your mom you were nice, you're a dick, just leave me alone," I said and sped up my pace walking away.


What did I do now? I followed behind him. "Wait what did I do?"

"You were going through my stuff, you curse at me, you're mean?" he shook his head. "Just stop tryna be nice cause you just want a piece of ass and I'm not with it so just forget it," he said. Where did all this boldness come from?

"Just let m-" I was cut off my phone ringing. "Hey mom wassup?"

"Um bring Stokeley home, his mom died I have to tell him before it gets on the news," she said in a panic.

"Okay," I hung up. "Come on we have to go." I grabbed his hand.

"Let go of me," he glared at me.

"Mom wants us home right now, she said it's an emergency."

He nodded his head and we walked home quickly. When we walked into the door I saw my mom sitting on the couch crying. Stokeley frowned when he saw her. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Uh your mom.." she sniffed. "She killed herself," she finally spat out.

Stokeley's face fell, "no she didn't. Why are you lying?" He frowned.

"She did, a police officer just came and told me. She stole a officers gun and shot her self. She left this letter behind for you," she held out an envelope to him while she wiped her nose with a tissue. I watched Stokeley as he took the letter from my mom.

He opened it and read it silently as his eyes teared up, "No, you're lying," he whispered.

My mom just took my phone bc apparently im being "Stuck up" bc I dont wanna talk to my step brother. Tell me, would you want to talk to someone after they told you to stand on the corner and sale yourself so they could get free food? No? Well me either. So updates might be slow, sorry.

"Why are you lying she's not dead. You made this you're lying," he started crying. I grabbed him and held up when he almost fell from crying so hard. "No don't touch me." He pushed me away and ran out the front door.

"Mom I really hope you're not lying to him," I shook my head.

"I'm not, the officer just left, you didn't see him?" She sniffed.

Damn that poor boy. I wish I could tell him it's alright but I know it's not. It seems like he can't catch a break. The door opened again and he walked back in, "What are they gonna do with her.." he trailed off.

"I was going to have her creamated for you," my mom suggested. "You could keep her ashes."

He nodded his head and then ran upstairs. I looked at my mom and she nodded to the stairs. I nodded and walked up the stairs to try to help. Maybe he would want food or something? That helped me when my dad died. That and my friends of course.

"Hey, you want some ice cream or something?" I asked as I opened my room door and walked in. He shook his head as he sat down on his bed.

I nodded my head and walked in the room, sitting down next to him. "You know, my dad died a few years back too. He died on the job, he was a FBI agent. But ice cream and way too much steak helped me get through it. And Gazzy, Deigo, and Jared." I said.

"Well good for you, I have no one," he sighed.

"You have me and Gazzy," I said.

"Gazzy maybe, but you don't care. You just feel compelled to care because we share a house," he chuckled. "I don't need pitty friends. I don't need anyone."

"You may not need us, but you have us, if you want us. And trust me I could be playing fortnite or something right now b-"

"Well then go play it, aint nobody stopping you," he snapped. "I'm so tired of people trying to be nice to me because they feel bad. Or pretending understand, because you don't understand or know how I feel. Yeah you lost your dad. But I lost my dad, my sister, and my mom. I'm fourteen and I'm an orphan. My mom pimped me out for her drugs and my sister died trying to protect me. And I never got to say goodbye. They never even had a funeral for her. I just wish people would stop pretending to care because 'thats the right thing to do.' Cause its not, because every time you pretend to care you give someone false hope which turns into feeling dead inside. And that makes you want to be dead. So, stop," he cried. He cried hard.

And it was like something in me wanted to hold him and comfort him. I wrapped my arms around him and he relaxed as he cried into my chest. "I know it's not okay, but things will get better. I will personally make sure they do." I rubbed his back.

"I miss Kenny," he cried.

WHY TF AM I CRYING?! SKSKSBSJOBCKUB I am to sensitive to be writing books lmao

"Who is Kenny?" I asked. I just got to get him talking and I can get to him to open up. Then I can help him. I can protect him. I can be here, and that aint no lie.

"My sister." He sniffled. "She used to come home from working three jobs while going to school. She was a really strong seventeen year old. She's been dead for three years. She would have been twenty one on March 27th. She used to come home and one time after my moms friend did bad things, she would sing to me and tell me everything would be alright, and I believed her. But now it's like, she left so I have nothing to hold on to," he cried harder.

"You want me to sing to you?" I asked.

He nodded his head and I thought of one of my peoms and decided to read it.

"Baby I just wanna show you things. Girl I'll be different. Girl I could buy you wedding rings, don't care about the distance. Oou-ohh, oou-oh, oou-oh, oou-oh," I sung to him. I realized that he was really quiet. I looked down and he was falling asleep. I laid him down on his bed and was about to get up when I heard his little voice.

"Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?" He asked as he looked up at me.

I have this sudden urge to be his protector. I want to insure that nothing happens to him. He doesn't deserve this life. He deserves to be treated like royalty.

"Yeah sure," I laid down next to him and he faced the other way as he closed his eyes. Leaving a foot of space between us.

"You know, I never had friends before, well I had one, his name was Isaiah." Stokeley sighed.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"He moved," Stokeley yawned.

"We can find him if you want?" I offered.

"Yeah," he sighed.

"Oh, I was supposed to give you this this morning," I got up and grabbed his phone out of my backpack. "I already set it up for you." I gave it to me.

"Thanks," he sat up and took it from me.

I watched him as he downloaded his apps. He logged into his instagram and started replying to messages. I noticed there was one he payed extra attention to. Wifisfuneral? Who that is?

"Who is that?" I asked.

"My friend Isaiah, he said he goes to our school," he smiled.

"Really? That's good, you should invite him over, we dont have school tomorrow," I suggested.

"No it's fine, I don't wanna overstep," he said as he added Isaiah to his contacts.

"This is your house too you know?" I chuckled.

"Okay then," he sighed.

Am I moving too slow with putting them together?

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