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"Where is Stokeley?" My mom asked as she walked into my room.

"I don't know," I rolled my eyes. "He can stay gone though."

My mom grabbed me by my hair and slapped me. She pulled her belt off and introduced it to my bare skin. "You're gonna stop with this disrespectful ass attitude. I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to," she hit me again with the belt. "Fix that attitude. And be nice to him. I told you he's been through shit!" she yelled.

My mom has never hit me before so I know she's fed up and serious, "I'm sorry." I mumble as tears roll down my face.

"You need to fix that attitude because I will beat your ass," She spat and then started walking out of my room. "Help me look for him."

I walked out of my room and looked in the upstairs bathroom. He wasn't in there so I went downstairs and looked around. I walked past the stairs and went to the downstairs bathroom. He ain't in there either. I looked in the guest room. Nothing. I looked in the kitchen, nope. I walked outside to the backyard and still nothing. He probably left.

I walked by the stairs again and stopped at the door. I open it and there he was, asleep on the floor. I noticed he has tattoos on his face. His hair is dreaded. He has full lips. He's beautiful to be honest. I'd love to hit that. He's thick too. His ass was slightly poking out of the blanket as his grey sweatpants hugged it perfectly. He started to stretch slight.

"Mom, he's right here," I yelled.

She walked into the closet, "Oh, I thought you left." She let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry," He frowned as his eyes teared up. That's the only thing I've heard him ever say. Does he not know any other words?

" It's okay baby, come eat," she nodded him towards the kitchen.

He nodded his head and followed past her. When he walked past me he put his head down and walked carefully. Why is he scared of me?

We sat at the table, Aiden was with our aunt in Texas right now doing something at some amusement park.

"So how's everything been over the years?" My mom asked Stokeley as she handed him a plate of food and sat down.

"M-my dad dead, a-and ken d-dead too," he stuttered and looked down.

"Oh no," My mom frowned.

"Who is ken?" I asked.

"His sister," my mom answered. "Eat baby," my mom told him, noticing he hasn't touched his food.

"M-mom said it's only f-for her f-friends," he said and put his head down.

"Well Shara isn't here anymore so you can eat whatever you want," my mom looked so hurt.

Who the fuck is Shara?

"So like what happened?" I asked.

"S-she sold me f-for drugs. A-and her friends d-did bad things," he said. He pushed his plate away and laid his head down on the table.

My mom glared at me. I mouth a quick 'sorry.' Damn I didn't know I was just asking.

"Did Jah give you a hard time today?" My mom asked him.

He looked at me with a scared expression. "N-no." He looked down. Why is he scared of me? I haven't done anything yet.

"Are you sure?" She eyed me.

"H-he was n-nice," Stokeley said quickly. He looked like he was about to piss himself. I studied his face and he looked like he was genuinely scared to say anything. I rolled my eyes and stood up to go to my room.

"Take him with you and give him a blow up mattress for right now," My mom told me.

"Come on," I told him.

He walked behind me slowly and after a short awkward to my room, I was blowing up the air mattress for him. He sat on the floor in the corner and hugged his knees to his chest.I fixed the bed for him and then I flopped down on my bed. He sat on his bed and opened one of his suitcases. He pulled out a few pictures and looked at them. Seconds later he started talking to himself. Or to them. He was talking to the people in the pictures.


"I miss you, pa," I said in a faint whisper. "I wish you were here, you could have helped ma. I hope you will look after her. Maybe she can get better and come back for me," I whispered.

"And Ken," I sighed as tears welled in my eyes, " I'm sorry. But I'm gonna live your dream for you. I'll make it to UCLA I promise, even if it kills me. Look after Nana May too," I smiled. "I know she's up there with you and pa." I sighed. "I can't do it without you. This is my fault, you would be alive if it wasn't for me." I cried softly.

"Hey you okay?" Jahseh asked. He looked freaked out. I just nodded my head and turned my attention back to the pictures.

"I love you guys," I kissed the pictures and then put them back in my suitcase. I grabbed a pair of boxers, sweat pants, a tshirt and a new hoodie. I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. The water was burning hot but I liked it that way. It helped me feel numb. I wanted to feel numb. I got into the shower and then sat on the bench in the shower. The water burned my skin at first but eventually it didn't matter. All my emotions poured out of my eyes as I cried silently. Usually I would stay until the hot water went out but Miss Cleo's hot water doesn't go out. It stayed hot. So after I couldn't cry anymore, I got out and took my time drying off and putting my clothes on.

Never in my fourteen years have I ever seen a bathroom so big. Well maybe that is because our bathroom was the size of a small closet. I shrugged the thought away and walked back into 'my room' and put my dirty clothes inside of my suitcase before laying down on the air mattress. I sighed as the soft pillows and blankets relaxed my body. This is nice.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Jahseh asked.

I looked at him and nodded my head.

"Are you gay?" He asked.

I nodded my head again.

"Are you a twink?"

I nodded my head again. He smirked and winked at me. I mentally gagged and turned around to face the other way. He's mean. I don't want to socialize with anyone I don't have to socialize with. I'm just trying to make it to college for my sister and after that I'm going to live her dream for her. She wanted to be a writer. I did too. I used to write rap and music with my dad. It was fun and a great escape. I just haven't had the courage to pick up a pen since he passed.

I closed my eyes as tears invaded them. I kept my eyes closed hoping that sleep will soon over take me.

"So are you a virgin?" He asked.

My eyes shot open, "P-please s-stop," I panicked as my anxiety took over. Taking me back to the first time my mom had a friend over....

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