Twenty One

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"I miss you pa," I cried while I pulled on some grass from in front of his grave. I been here for about three hours just crying. I should probably tell someone where I'm at but I left my phone with Jahseh and I dont know how to get home from this cemetery.

A small mexican lady was at the grave next to mine and I walked over to her. "Excuse you think I can use your phone to call my mom?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," she pulled her phone out of her purse and gave it to me. I dialed Cleo's number and waited until she answered.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Miss Cleo?" I said quietly.

"Stokeley? Where are you? We have been looking everywhere."

"I'm at the cemetery, I was visiting my dad," I said quietly. "I-it was a b-bad day I'm s-sorry."

"No dont apologize Jah told me what happened. Lets just say she wont be bothering you anymore."

"Can you come get me, I dont know how to get home from here," I asked.

"Yeah what Cemetery?"

"Grayson Cove," I said.

"Okay, go to the entrance, Ill be there in five," She said and hung up. I gave the lady back her phone and started walking towards the entrance. It was kind of a long walk.

"Hey excuse me," A tall light skinned guy stepped in front of me. He was wearing back sweats and a black hoodie. Man I should have ran right then.

I pretended to not hear him and kept walking, at a faster pace this time cause he was giving me a bad, creepy vibe.

"What are you doing out here so late?" He asked as he started walking on the side of me. He voice sent chills down my spine. And they were creepy chills. Like something inside of me was telling me to run. But I didnt I just walked faster and kept my head down.

"I'm waiting for my m-mom," I said as I kept walking.

He stepped in front of me stopping me in my tracks, "I can give you a ride," he grinned at me. "I'll give you the ride of your life." He stepped closer to me.

"N-no thank you, my mom said she was two m-minutes away," I stepped around him and kept walking . I was trying to walk faster so I could get away from him. I knew if I ran he'd act quicker.

"Come on, baby. I'll take you to my house first, get you some strawberries." He smirked. "You can get the whipped cream later," he winked at me. Ew that's just cringy and the worse pick up line I've heard in my life.

I stepped around him, I started picking up my speed and once again I saw the entrance becoming closer. My heart rate sped up when I felt him getting closer to me.

"Hey!" he yelled and reached for me. I moved out of his reach and started running to the entrance. I felt something hit the back of my knee, sending me into the ground.

"I told you to get into my car!" He said as he turned me onto my back. He sat between my legs. He pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"No, no, I'll go with y-you. You d-dont have to d-do that. Please?" I begged.

"I should kill you, you fucking whore!" He spat.

"Please?" I cried. He brought the knife up to my throat and I whimpered.

"Stokeley!" I heard Jahseh's voice. I tried to get away but I couldn't.

"Jah!" I yelled, hoping he'd hear me. I felt my hands around for something to grab. I felt a rock and I grabbed it, hitting him over the head with it. He plunged his knife at me, missing me and hitting the grass next to my head.

I began to cry when I realized what was about to happen.

"Stokeley! Baby come on its cold!" I heard Jahseh yell.

I kicked him when he tried to stab me again. I gasped when he plunged the knife through my hand.

I kicked him again and he fell off of me. I grabbed the knife and stabbed his knee so he couldnt chase after me. I got up and ran.

My head was pounding, "Stokeley!" Jahseh walked up to me.

"What happened?" He asked when he saw me covered in blood from my bleeding hand.


"I-I-I fell," he stuttered.

"You're lying," I said. He stutters and looks down when he lies.

"Who did this?" I looked behind him.

"H-he left already it's o-" His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell. It looked like he was having a seasire.

"Fuck!" I said. I crouched next to him and picked him up bridal style, rushing him to the car. "Mom somethings wrong with him!" I panicked.

"Why is he covered in blood?" She asked.

"I dont know, he was telling me and then he just- this happened." I shook my head. " Someone did it though. I know that. He said it was a guy."

two hours later..

"So is he okay? He was just dehydrated or something right?" My mom asked the doctor.

"Actually ma'am, but he has congestive heart failure. It's not bad. Yet. But be glad we caught it now," The doctor explained.

"Wait what does that mean?" I asked.

"He has a heart condition, and earlier, that was a heart attack." The doctor said.

"But he's only fifteen," My mom said.

This cant end well.

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