Twenty six

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I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Jahseh.

Pokey💓:sorry for being like that I just didn't wanna talk about it😭forgive me?

Jahbear❤️: It's okay baby. I understand.

Pokey💓: can we get ice cream later? And pizza?

Jahbear❤️: now you know damn well you aren't allowed to have pizza. It's too greasy.

Pokey💓: bye

I put my phone in my pocket and looked up to pay attention to our teacher. We are getting our babies today.

"Okay, you are getting assigned your partners today." Miss Maya explained. "I'll read off your names. Stacey and Jordan. McKenna and Hannah. Darell and Dashawn. Stokeley and Jonathan. Hannah and cliff. Gazzy and Omar. Symere and Jordan. Trinity and Stewart..."

The end of the class came and we received our babies. I got a girl. Well Jonathan and I got a girl.

"Wanna come over after school so we can take care of the kid?" He asked.

"I'm sorry what was your name again?" I asked.

"Jonathan. Call me blue," he said.

"Okay well maybe you can just come to my house?" I asked knowing Jahseh wouldn't let me leave the house without a 100 question survey to make sure I was safe.

"Okay yeah. I'll just give you my number," he suggested. I gave him my phone and he put his number in. I saved his contact name as "Bluefacebaby." Cause he always ran around saying it. He has a reputation as a play boy but I just need him for my grade so I don't care.

I started hearing a bunch of pinging sounds and my phone vibrated in my hand. It was an airdrop from someone named "liar". I excepted it and clicked on the attached video. It took me a few seconds to realize what it was but when I saw it, my heart fell to my ass.

No this has to be an old tape or something. Jahseh wouldn't cheat on me. This has to be old. I'll just find him and ask him about it.

"Hey isn't that your boyfriend?" Blue asked me as he showed me his phone.

"Uh yeah, can you," I held the baby out to him. "I'll meet you to get her before we leave school." I said before rushing off to find Jahseh.

After minuets of searching I finally found him. "Jah."

"Hmm?" He asked as he looked down at me.

"Um someone just airdropped the whole school a video of you um- you were w-with Someone," I asked.

"Oh yeah I know," he said. Calmly. Way too calmly.

"That was before we were together right?" I asked.

He hesitated for a minute and looked away.

"Right?" I asked again.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"W-why would you d-do that?" I asked.

"It was stupid," He said.


I've done some thinking and it's better for me to let go now. I can't get too attached to anything because everyone's the same. I've learned to not get attached since neva. Last time I cuffed someone she told the world I beat her. Haven't been the same since.

And maybe this airdrop will be my way out. Cause Stokeley will leave me one way or another. Someone better will come along and catch his attention, he'll lose feelings or god forbid his heart disease will take over. And I couldn't handle losing someone else so it's better to walk away now.

It's fuck my feelings, fucking my pride. I can't deal with it. And I don't have to. I'll just walk away.

"It was stupid." I simply said.

"What about us?" He asked.

"What about it? You don't love me and I don't love you," I said.

"Jah how could you say that?" His eyes teared up.

"Cause that's how I feel. Deal with it and move on. I don't need anymore crazy exes," I said and shrugged.

"W- yo- What?" He said. His hands turned into fists at his sides.

"It's over. Move on. It's was nice while it lasted. And the sex was great. Hope the next enjoys it as much as I do," I smirked.

I can't take the way he looked at me. It made me want to grab him and tell him it was all a lie. Hug him and shower him with kisses.

But I couldn't.

"Jah why are you hurting me? You said you wouldn't be like everyone else?" He said quietly as he looked at the floor and then me and then the floor again.

"Well your just like everyone so what does it matter," I shrugged.

"What did I do?" He was crying now.

"You don't love me the way I want to be loved. You're just like everyone else," I said and then walked away.


I felt my heart break.

What did I do wrong?

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