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I walked into the drama class and all eyes are on m3. I looked at the floor because all the attention made me uncomfortable.

"Hey are you new?" A boy asked me.

I nodded my head. "Hey call me bass, or Santana." He smiled.

"He's shy, he will come around," Gazzy told him.

"How'd y'all meet?" He asked Gazzy.

"He lives with Miss Cleo. That's her god son," Gazzy explained.

"Oh we love Miss Cleo. She's like everyone's mama, on the block," bass smiled.

I gave back a small smile. At least no ones being mean yet.

"You can hang with us, we good peoples." Bass smiled. "If anyone gives you a hard time let him know," he points to a kid who looks like he's twelve. "He keeps the strap on him on gang."

We walked over to the boy, "this is Stokeley." Gazzy said to the boy.

"Oh wassup," the boy said. "I'm taymor. Call me tay." He gave me a head nod.

"Okay," I said quietly.

"Aye He got an accent," tay smiled.

"Must be nice," another guy said who was sitting down.

"Shut up Jared," everyone in the room yelled at him.

"That's Jared," Gazzy told me.

"Hi," I smiled weakly.

"Where's your accent from?" Tay asked.

"I'm Jamaican," I said quietly.

"Oh shit that's wassup," bass laughed. "I wish I had accent or was something special. I'm just black."

"Y-you're party of an important community," I smiled.

"Them facts," tay patted my shoulder. I flinched slightly and he looked at me confused.

"I just don't like to be touched," I said quickly.

"Oh my bad vro," he chuckled.

I met everyone. They are really nice. Why isn't Jahseh this nice? It's like he's allergic to kindness and manners.

At lunch I sat with them. Well they made me sit with them. Well they asked and gave me no other option because they made me sit with them.

"So where did you used to live?" Tay asked.

"A bad place," I mumbled.

"Hey wassup," Jahseh joined us at the table and sat next to me. I scooter over slightly closer to Gazzy.

"Guys I wanna go to the mall," Deigo announced as he sat at our table.

"Then go to the mall," taymor chuckled.

Deigo rolled his eyes and sat after to eat his lunch. "How come you're not eating?" Deigo asked me.

"Not hungry," I mumbled. I looked down at my hands and tried to block out everyone. I don't like being surrounded by people.

"Hey ma," Jahseh tapped my shoulder. I glanced up at him and gave me a blank stare. "You still don't speak?"

"He speaks. He was just talking in class and stuff, maybe it's just you," bass laughed.

"Shut up," Jahseh glared at him.

I stood up from the table and collected my stuff before walking away to the bathroom. I don't need to be around him unless I'm at home and I'm sticking to that.

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