Twenty Seven

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Y'all imma need you to start showing me some love or imma start only updating on the first and third Friday of every month. That's twice a month btw👀cause like no one vote and comments. My reads don't match my votes and things so imma need you to do that or no updates will be comin. Thanks baby's

30 votes 30 comments for update

Question: how do you feel about Jahseh walking out on Stokeley?

Question: what do you think Miss Cleo is gonna do?

Question: do you ship blue and stoke?


Be worthy of your choices.


I walked over to Blue after school and got the baby from him. "Hey are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I lied.

"You don't have to lie to me, I mean I know how everyone sees me but I'm really not an asshole. I'm here to listen if you wanna vent. And I am also here if you wanna talk or even if you need just a hug," he told me.

My eyes teared up, "I- I'll be fine. I'll see you when you come over," I told him.

"What time should I come?" He asked.

"Uh around four or four thirty," I said as I grabbed the baby from him. After I was cradling it in my arms I grabbed the bag from him.

"Thanks for keeping her," I told him.

"I mean you ain gotta thank me it's my job too you feels me ma," he smirked.

I nodded my head as I pulled my phone out to order me an Uber. I don't think Jahseh would want to ride with me. I don't understand how I'm like everyone else. What did I do wrong?

"Come on the car is here," I heard the voice of the one who broke me. Jahseh.

I looked up at him from my phone. "I ordered my own already," I told him.

"For what? We going to the same place come on quit trippin," he sighed.

"I'll just take my on Uber home," I said as I put my phone back into my pocket.

"I'm not going home I told you we are goin to the arcade," he rolled his eyes.

"You told me that, but I'm like everyone else so I don't think I wanna go," I said as I looked at the ground.

"Come on please? I already got reservations for dinner, I had to call like a month ahead," he pouted.

"Well I guess things change. Just like people," I said and then walked away.


"I'll go make sure he's okay," I heard blue tell him.

"Man fuck him," Jahseh walked away.

I continued walking until I ran into someone.

"Sorry," I mumbled and went around them, then the baby started crying.

I sighed as I stopped and searched the bag for a bottle. I finally found It and I shoved it in the baby's mouth gently.

"Stoke," I heard Gazzy say.

"Hey," I gave him a fake small smile as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry about Jahseh," he told me.

I frowned. "You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault. I told you guys when we first met that I wasn't a loveable person. I don't know why I let myself think otherwise," I sighed and walked to the front of the school. I checked my phone and the Uber was pulling up. Carrying my backpack, the baby bag and the baby, I walked the Uber and got in the backseat. I buckled my seat belt and then finished feeding the baby.

"Hey how's your day going?" The Uber asked casually.

"It's good, and you?"

"It's good, making some money tonight," he said.

"That's cool," I said not really interested. I just wanted to get home and sleep.

Question: do you think Jahseh will apologize and come to his senses?

Question: will Jahseh get Jealous when blue comes over?

Question: will Geneva come back into the picture?

30 votes and 30 comments for update



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