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That had me weak ^^^^ I shouldn't have laughed.


Okay now Jahseh is just being extra. He won't let Aiden around me. The poor boy asked me to help him with his homework and Jahseh choked him.

I laughed but I felt bad. Jahseh is too protective. Like the child is seven what is he going to do? Steal my animal crackers? Okay maybe he is dangerous.

"Jah just let me help him," I laughed when Aiden looked really irritated as his math problem.

"No," he said.

Me being the nice person I am, I ignored what Jahseh said and helped Aiden anyways.

"What are you struggling with buddy?" I asked Aiden.

"I can't do this one," he pointed to a multiplication problem.

"Man what? I thought they didn't start teaching multiplication until like fourth grade." I crossed my brows.

"I skipped second grade and kindergarten." Aiden smiled.

"Oh you smart smart," I smiled.

"We have a test tomorrow and I don't know how to do it right," he frowned.

"I'll help you." I sat next to him. I explained to him how to do it and did a few problems with him and then he tried it by himself and he was finally feeling confident about his it.

"I'll make you a deal, you pass this test and I'll take you to a trampoline park with one of your friends," I offered.

"Really?" He got excited.

"Yeah, I promise, but you have to pass the test with at least a B." I told him.

"You are so much better than Jahgay." He said as he glared at Jahseh.

"That's not my name you little shit," Jahseh spat.

"You look like a little shit," Aiden told him as he walked away to his room. Probably to take a nap.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle before I hopped on the counter and started scrolling through Instagram on my phone.

"Why don't you ever listen to me?" Jahseh asked me as he walked between my legs.

"Cause you're unreasonable," I said before taking a swig of my water and closing it. I picked my phone back up only to have it taken out my hands.

Jahseh took my phone and put it in his pocket, "give it back." I frowned.

"Make me," he said with a straight face. I hopped off the counter and took his small notebook off the table and ran into my room with it. Since you wanna take shit.

"Uh uh give that back, Stokeley." He chased after me. I ran into my room and hid in the closet. Aw that's cute it's as big as the one I came out of.

"Give it back Stokeley," Jahseh said in a serious tone. I looked around my closet and saw my emtpy suitcase. Well I just had some shoes in there and a few T-shirt's. I hid the notebook under all of the stuff and came out of my closet to see Jahseh sitting on my bed going through my phone.

"Give me my phone," I reached for it.


"Cause it's mine and I was using it," I said nonchalantly.

"Why? You got some messages or something I'm not supposed to see? You cheating on me?" He asked.

"How imma cheat on you if we aren't together?" I laughed and laid down behind on my stomach and turned my tv on.

"We not together?" He asked.

"Well no one asked no one out or nothing so no we aren't," I shrugged and put on teen titans go.

"But you know you still mine though," he said.

"Mm okay," I shrugged.

"I'm not playing with you," he said as he took the remote from me.

"Okay," I said still looking at the tv.

The tv turned off and I shot him a deadly look, "you are asking to die. This is my favorite episode out it back on."

"Say you mine," he smiled down at me.

"I don't belong to anyone," I chuckled. I'm just messing with him. He knows my heart is his. Even though I'd never tell him that.

He pinned my hands above my head and rested between my legs, "you think this is a game. You are mine. You always going to be mine. Ain't nothing you can do to change that." He looked me in my eyes.

"Mmhmm okay now turn the tv back on and let me go," I smiled.

"No I like this position," he smirked.

"Miss Cleo isn't home and we are supposed to be babysitting and you trynna be nasty," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Aiden always takes naps at this time, you been here for six months, you know this," he told me.

"Just like I know you're hard right now?" I smirked.

"Cause yo fine ass," he looked at my lips.

"Get off me," I giggled.


"Fine them imma trap you," I wrapped my legs around his waist. Which made him come skin to skin with my stomach since my shirt somehow came up and he didn't have a shirt on.

"You trynna be nasty," he chuckled.

"Move before you give me blue balls," I whined.

"If you got horny I can fix that baby," he told me.

Why the hell did i hard in this exact moment.

"Want me to fix that?" He asked me looking into my eyes.

"Yes ja-"

"Nah thats not my name," he said as he started kissing my neck. I smirked at realizing what he wanted me to call him.

"Yes daddy."

Y'all want the smutt?

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