Thirty three

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Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.
- Leo Buscaglia

Question: should I have blue and stoke date or flirt for a little?

Question: should Miss Cleo get a manz?

Question: should stoke get kidnapped?


Blue took the baby into his arms and burped her while I looked in the baby bag for a diaper. "Aye we never named her." He chuckled.

"Uhh yeah you're right," I sighed. "I'm what about Shelby?" I asked.

"That's a white girl name," he laughed.

"It was my aunts name who passed.." I frowned.

A/n: it's my aunts name who just previously passed two weeks ago. I want to honor her in some way so if I actually have kids, I wanna name my daughter after her.

"Oh.. I'm sorry.. yeah shelby it is," he frowned.

"Okay.." I gave him a small smile and then grabbed the diaper and wipes.

"You wanna do it or me?" I asked him as I turned to face him on the couch.

He looked up at the front door when it opened to reveal Jahseh and geneva.

My heart clenched up and I felt myself about to cry again. I bit the inside of my cheek and turned away.

"Why you got this nigga here?" Jahseh asked as he started down blue.

"We have to take care of the baby," I said quietly.

"You know he's a player? He's never gonna love you," Jahseh chuckled.

"Oh like you? He must have learned from someone," I grabbed the baby bag and then grabbed blues hand and brought him to my room. I closed and locked my door before sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Hey hey don't cry," blue said as he wiped some tears from my eyes. He's not even worth your tears if he's gonna treat you like that," he said as he looked into my eyes.

He sat the baby behind us and it started crying so he put a pillow over it.

"It hurts blue," I cried. "He was supposed to love me."

"I know, all I can do is help and be here. What can I do to help you feel better?" He asked.

I just cried as he pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest and let my heart hurt for a little while.

"Blue?" I looked up at him.


"Take the pain away," I frowned as my lip quivered and my eyes leaked.

"Anything for you," he kissed my forehead and pulled my closer to him and he rubbed my back and told me it would be okay.



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