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I woke up and yawned, frowning remembering what Miss Cleo told me yesterday. I looked at my phone and it read 2:32 Am. Why the hell am I awake? And now I have to pee. I tried to get up but a pair of strong arms drapped around my body, holding me down to the bed.

I looked over and saw Jahseh laying next to me. I looked under the covers in a panic, but let out a sigh of relief when I saw I was still dressed. Thank god. I don't need to be sleeping with nobody.

"Jah move I have to use the bathroom," I tapped his shoulder.

"Mm mmm," he groaned, tightening his grip around my waist. I blushed at the action. I then rolled my eyes at the fact that I just blushed.

"Jahseh move," I whined.

He groaned, "Hurry up and come back," he let me go. I climbed out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I pulled my dick out of my shorts and released the liquid that desperately needed to be released. I finished my business and washed and dried my hands before rushing back to the room, scared of what he would do if I took a long time.

I laid grabbed my new phone and laid back down on the bed, seconds later, Jah's arms wrapped around me again. I saw that Isaiah texted me a few hours ago so I texted him back.

Isaiah: Wyd tmr?

nothing why

Isaiah: We should hit up the mall, get some new fits...


"Who is that?" Jahseh asked. I turned to see that his eyes were still closed but he knew I was texting.

"No one," I sighed.

"Who is it?" He asked again. This time he opened his eyes.

I didn't answer. Instead I turned my phone off I laid my head down on the pillow.

Hi grip tightened around my waist, "Who was it?" He asked again.

"Isaiah," I said in a whisper. Why does he care who I'm texting anyways. You are not my father little boy.

"That's the only nigga you're allowed to text unless its someone I know or me," he opened his eyes.

I nodded my head, scared of what he'd do if I didn't agree.

"You don't gotta be scared of me, I promise I wont hurt you," he traced circles on my waist. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I just get jealous." He smirked at me.

I quickly turned away from him when I realized I was blushing. God dammit. I don't wanna have a crush on him. It could never end well. As many girls as I've heard say they've dated or fucked him, that would be setting myself up to get played. But why do I care, I don't like him anyways. Not like that.

"It's cool," I said quietly, closing my eyes and drifting back to sleep.

In the morning...


I woke up and Stokeley wasn't in my arms anymore. I heard his thick accent loud and clear though. I turned around in his bed to see that he was on facetime with someone. I got up and walked behind him to see who it was.

"Who's this nigga?" I starred at the screen.

"Isaiah," Stokeley said quietly. "Isaiah this is Jahseh, my friend."

"Oh nice to meet you," Isaiah smiled through the phone.

"Yeah whatever, you too, later," I grabbed his phone and hung it up before shoving it in my pocket.

"Give me my phone back," Stokeley glared at me.

"Nah, I'm good love," I smiled at him, showing the little gap between my front teeth. I noticed how he blushed and tensed up when I looked at him. But then tried to shrug it off like he didn't care, which he did.

"Fine, keep it," he crossed his arms and walked over to his suitcase, pulling out a pair of black jeans, sliding them on over his basketball shorts and then shrugging a pink hoodie before slipping on his black Nike slides. "See ya later."

"Where are you going?" I stood in front of the door, blocking his way out.

"To the mall with Izzy," he shrugged.

"Who's that?"

"Isaiah," he gave me a blank stare. "If you don't get out of my way and stop acting like someone's father." He rolled his eyes.

"Nah, you not going," I smiled.

"Nah, you're not my father, therefore I could give two fucks what you have to say," he shrugged his shoulders before ducking under my arm and walking past me.

"Stokeley." I said.

"Yes, Jahseh?" He turned around and rolled his eyes.

"I said you're not going," I looked at him again. I'm jealous that he's going to mall with another nigga. I just feel this protective bond over him. Like he's mine. Periodt.

"And I said you're not my father, you don't get to tell me what to do," he chuckled and crossed his arms.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the room and shut the door. I pinned him against the, looking him in the eyes as my hand glided around his throat. "What did I say?" I asked him.

"You think you scare me?" He smiled. "I've been through worse."

My heart broke for him. I let go of him, but I never broke our eye contact. My eyes traveled down to his lips just as he quickly licked them. I licked my own as I watched his actions carefully. He had full lips. I envied the way his thick words rolled off of them perfectly.

"Ja-" I cut him off by kissing his lips softly at first. I took his bottom lip into my mouth, sucking on it slightly as my tongue danced around in his mouth. I was shocked when I felt his hands come to my chest as he kissed me back. My hands fell to his waist as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

Knock. Knock. "Stokeley your friends is here," my mom said from the other side of the door.

He looked up at me, "Can I go?" He asked me.

"You better call me as soon as you get there and before you leave. And let me find you that you hanging out with other niggas." I kissed his lips softly one last time.

He smiled at me turned to the door. "Wait." I grabbed his hand and gave him his phone back, "Gimme kiss."

He pecked my lips quickly and then disappeared out the door. I smiled to myself and then walked downstairs to kitchen. "Jah!" I heard my mom yell.

"Yeah?" I asked and walked into her room.

"Did you sleep with him?" She bluntly asked.

"Nah, why?" I crossed my eyebrows.

"You better not," she looked at me while she brought her brush up to her hair.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Cause you're a heartbreaker, and he doesn't need his heart broken. He needs someone to protect his heart," she explained.

"What if I can do that?" I leaned in the door frame.

"Then thats a conversation for later," she sighed.

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