Thirty seven

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One month later...

"You have everything?" I asked Blue as we made our way to our life class to return the child.

"Yeah I prepacked last night," he said.

He walked into the class room to give the teacher back the baby and the supplies and I waited in the hallway while I talked to Destiny and Gazzy.

"So how's your internship going?" I asked destiny. She has an internship at a free clinic. She wants to be a doctor or a nurse. She wants to be a brain doctor.

"It's really good. Yesterday I gave someone stitches," she smiled.

"Oh my god was their eye falling in," Gazzy asked.

"No their finger was cut open," Destiny said.

"Ew that's nasty," I made a face.

"Yeah but it's cool," she said.

"Hey Stokeley right?" A short light skinned boy approached me.

"Who wants to know?" Destiny asked

"Geneva said she wants to speak to you" The boy said and then quickly walked away. Then a few seconds later, Geneva approached us.

"This girl better not be on some stupid shit," Destiny shook her head.

"What do you want?" I asked geneva as I crossed my arms. I looked around and everyone in the hallway was watching us.

"Why were you with my man last night?" She asked.

"Which man?" I asked.

"Oh he bold?" I heard someone say.

"Jahseh, why were you with him." She asked.

"Little girl we live together, and I wasn't with him I was in my room minding my business, maybe you should try it. Then you want be getting ya ass beat all the damn time," I smiled.

"Listen here bitch, you stay away from hi-"

"Baby I don't want anyone you been with," I rolled my eyes. "You probably gave them crabs."

She brought her hand up and slapped me.

I jumped at her and grabbed her hair, only to get pulled away by someone. I turned around and it was Jahseh.

"Move off me," I shoved him. He only grabbed me and held my arms to my sides.

"Baby chill," he told me.

"Nigga we aren't together any more. You wanna cheat and make sex tapes. So be with your little disrespectful, naive, dirty, dusty pornstar." I told him.

"Jah I'm sor-"

"Leave me alone nigga damn. You hurt me just like you wanted to. You got what you wanted. So leave me the hell alone or I swear you will regret it," I said.

I snatched my arms away and was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. I turned around and punched him in his jaw. "Stay away from me." I said.

I felt small hands on by shoulder which were quickly snatched away when Destiny grabbed Geneva and shoved her into a locker before beating her head into it.

I went to grab Gazzy who was trying to get her too but Jahseh grabbed my hands and pulled me to him.

"Move off me," I slapped him. I then sent another punch to his face. He swung back and hit me in my chest. Then his mouth fell open when he realized he hit my heart. Where my heart monitor is at.

I felt my breathing getting heavy.

"Aye what's wrong with him!" I heard Blue say as he rushed to my side.

My eyes teared up, "It hurts." I clutched my chest and tried to focus on my breathing. It wouldn't hurt so bad if I would've taken my medicine.

"What did you do?" Gazzy yelled at Jahseh.

He helped me gain my footing.

I looked over and Blue was trying to get to Jahseh but Omar and Bass we're stopping him.

"Nah Move or you're next!" He yelled. He got out of their grip and punched Jahseh.


I felt my eyes close and I fell into a deep sleep...

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