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"Jah come on we're gonna be late," I knocked on the bedroom door again. He wont let me in. "What are you doing?" I opened the door to find him laying on his bed, stroking him self while he watched hintai. This nigga here.

"Stokeley!" He yelled at me. But came out more as a moan.

I widened my eyes, "Miss Cleo told me to come get you cause we are gonna be late." I put my hands over my eyes. " Oh Dios Mios."

Some people dont know spanish so Imma put "proper spanish" so yall can google translate okay.

"Why are covering your eyes like I wasn't inches deep in you last night?" He chuckled.

"That was a mistake," I sighed. "It wont happen again. I don't even know why I let you do that," I shook my head and grabbed my backpack before walking out of our room.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bag of chips and water before I went to wait in the car with Miss Cleo.

"I have a surprise for you when you get home," she smiled at me.

"Okay," I smiled. I pulled my phone out and went to my instagram to post something.

 I pulled my phone out and went to my instagram to post something

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Caption- Who mad this? Lmao

Liar- Oh you cute

Madonaaaaa.s- you're adorable omg

xxxtentacion- dam❤️mn

I put my phone back into my pocket just as Jahseh got into the car. It was a short silent car ride. When we pulled up to the school I raced out of the car to find Gazzy and Taymor.

"Hey vrother ," Bass said as I approached our table in the cafeteria.

"Hey," I shrugged and sat down. My ass hurts.

"Why you sitting like you got a stick up yo ass?" Jared asked me.

"I'm not," I lied.

"Who did you fuck last night after you left my house?" Taymor asked.

"No one," I yawned. No one worth mentioning anyways.

"Anyways.. What's the plan for this weekend?" Gazzy asked.

"Already? It's Monday kid," Omar laugher.

"So what?" Gazzy laughed.

"Stoke Who is this?" Bass showed me a picture.

"Oh my friend," I shrugged once I saw the picture

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"Oh my friend," I shrugged once I saw the picture.

"What friend?" Jahseh asked.

"Someone from my old school," we weren't that close. He hung with Isaiah so we were together sometimes." I shrugged.

"You still talk to him?" Bass asked.

"Yeah, sometimes."

"I need some pussy," Jahseh sighed.

Everyone rolled their eyes in sync, "no you need a girlfriend or a boyfriend." Omar sighed.

"As long as they keep my dick we-" Jahseh started.

"Shut up no one cares," I rolled my eyes. "Always talking about sex. Like sex ain't all it's cracked out to be so shut the fuck up." I got up and walked away.

"Man you need to chill," I heard Isaiah say. "You don't know his past. That shit ain't funny."

"His past?" I heard Michael question.

At this point I sped up my pace and started walking to my first class. I got to class like fifteen minutes early so I sat in the back and pulled my notebook out and started writing.

This is one of my many poems or writings from one of my hundred and something Journals. A lot of the poems in here will be mine okay.


It wasn't worth anything.
Nothing at all, to him.
He took it away like a piece of candy.

He didn't care, not at all.

When he took it, he broke me.
He hurt me.
He destroyed me.

When he took it, I lost my soul.
I died.
I lost the war against life.

(Please DONT STEAL MY POEMS cause these having a meaning to me and they just happen to be what I need for this book)

"Stoke?" Tank sat down in the desk in front of mine. "What's that?"

"Nothing," I closed my notebook. "This ain't yo class fool."

"I know I was just making sure you're good," he shrugged.

"I'm cool," I shrugged. "Just irritated I guess."

"I understand, man. Jah has made so many girls feel like they are so important and then he gets what he wants and dips," Tank sighed.

"It must suck to be one of those girls," I sighed. It does suck. But I already knew he didn't really care. I just wanted dick. Or at least I'm trying to convince myself of that cause I don't know why I had sex with him.

"He did it to my cousin," He laughed. "Too bad my cousin was playing him too. They both some hoes."

"Tragic," I laughed.

"Imma go to class," he chuckled. "See you after class or at lunch." He walked away.

I need to figure out how to get rid of my crush on Jahseh. Maybe if I try to date someone else?

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