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"So are you a virgin?" He asked.

My eyes shot open, "P-please s-stop," I panicked as my anxiety took over. Taking me back to the first time my mom had a friend over....

Rape Scene ahead!
Skip here if you don't wanna read that scene.
Flashback [italics is a flashback]

"Stokeley this is Jacolby," my mom told me as she walked me into her room. I followed after her, my nine year old self confused.

"Hi," I waved.

"You know mama has to take her medicine everyday?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "Well mama doesn't have money to buy her medicine, so I need you to do something with this nice man so mama can get her medicine. Can you do that for me?" She asked.

"Of course mama, I love you," I hugged her legs.

She smiled at me and walked over to a chair and sat down.

"Come over here," Jacobly patted the bed. I walked over to him and sat down on the bed next to him. "Take your clothes off."

I hesitated, "why?"

"Cause I said so," he slapped me.

I nodded my head as my eyes stung with tears. I took my shirt and pants off, leaving me in my socks and boxers. He looked at me like no ones ever looked at me before. It scared me.

"Lay down on your stomach," he told me. Scared to get hit again, I did as told. Seconds later I felt my boxers being pulled off. I looked at my mom and she made eye contact with me.

"Mommy?" I asked for her. She just smiled and brought her blunt to her lips as she watched.

I felt my butt cheeks being spread apart and two fingers entered my whole. I whimpered at the pain that shot through my body. This ain't right.

Teared filled my eyes as he entered me slowly. I cried out and called for my mom.

"Just do it boy, I need my herion," she scolded me.

I cried harder as he finished his business. After he was done he told me to get out. I ran out the room naked and walked into my room, locking the door as I waisted for my dad to return home.

He would help me...

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