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I've been having a tuff day. My stepdad is urking my soul cause he wanna act like he's ALL BIG AND BUFF cause hes a grown up. "IMMA WHOOP YA ASS" yea thats cute turn around for me. First of all Im 15 and my mama dont even hit me so who tf makes you think u are? Yeah okay you're cool. Anyways, I'm irritated and that's just how I feel. Oh and my sperm donors family has the nerve to try and care now. I'm 15 I dont need yall now tf?


It's going on nine o'clock and Isaiah still ain't tryna take me home. To be honest I think he's high. I just ordered a Uber and collected my two shopping bags while I waited patiently outside. My Uber is fourteen minutes away.

I pulled my phone out to text Jah and tell him I'm coming home since he said I have to check in. He acts like he's my man, it's cute cause sometimes I wish he was. But either he starts acting like a dick and that masks the way I feel, or my low self confidence and anxiety start getting to me. I just push the thought away cause he will never like someone like me. And I don't need a relationship right now anyways.

Ill be home inna little bit

Jahseh: Wya?

Not home. Tf?

Jahseh: Stop being smart. The mall been closed where tf you at?

At someones house

Jahseh: Why lol?

Cause Isaiah wanted to come chill wit some friends and now he's high so I'm waiting on my Uber rn..

Jahseh: Why u aint call me.

Wtf was you gonna do? Put on your cape and fly over here, nigga youre 15 you cant drive lmao.

Jahseh: Ima have to fuck that attitude out of you.

I widened my eyes at the words on my screen. Nah I'm seeing shit. He did not just say that. He probably high or some shit. But somehow it still made me blush because he wants to fuck me.

Shut up.

Jahseh: Make me.


Jahseh: You finna lmeyo?

Tf that mean?

Jahseh: Let. Me. Eat. YOU. Out.

I'll think about it.

I thought about it... Nah I'm good but thanks for the offer.

Jahseh: Wait till you get home.. Imma eat you out watch.

Go ahead and tell yourself that.

Jahseh: You know you like me

Read at: 11:46pm

Jahseh: I like you..

Okay good for you

Jahseh: You don't like me?

Idk.. I haven't gotten to kno u tht well to even kno if I do. So idk

Jahseh: Well I like you.


Jahseh: Let me take you ona date?

I'll think abt it

Jahseh: I'm still eating you out tonight.

I locked my phone and shook my head. This nigga is too much.

When he got home...

I walked into our bedroom and it was dark so I assumed Jahseh was sleep. I sat my bags down and walked over to my suitcase and got out some pajamas before going to the bathroom. I starting getting undressed, not bothering to lock the door. I ran the water and got in.

I grabbed the body wash and poured it onto my my wash rag and started to clean my body. I felt a wave of cold air hit me and then the shower curtains opened. I dropped my hands to my privite area and covered myself.

"Hey cutie," Jahseh winked at me.

"What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes.

"I told you I was gonna eat you out," He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I felt my cheeks turn red as he removed my hands from my area and took in my full body. He took my member in his hand and stroked me. "You like that?" He asked. I looked up at him as the water dripped out of his hair.

"You want me to stop?" He asked. "I will if you want me to."

"No, no, I like it," I said as I bit my lip.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

I ignored his question and connected our lips. Our tongues fought for dominance as I bodies came against each other. His erection smacked against my stomach. I took it into my hand and began to stroke it only to get my hand pushed away. "Let me take care of you baby."

Ya'll want a smutt?

What ya'll think about them getting together but its gonna be slow asf?

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