Twenty two

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Jahseh is about to get on my last goddamn nerve. I love that he wants to take care of me but It's not that serious. I can't even take a shower in peace. This Bitch got me a life alert button to wear. I wanted to beat his skinny dorito ass up.

And then Miss Cleo gon laugh. Bitch. No ma'am I'm not for it.

"No." Jahseh told me when I said I was going to the fair with Omar and Metri. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to me. You won't even let me do anything for anything to even happen," I sighed.

"Because I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. That would kill me. So I need you to just listen to me and trust me on this," he sighed as he sat down on his bed.

"why you can't you let me live my life. The doctor said this gives me a higher chance of death but i might as well be dead if I can't even live my life," I argued.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you," he said.

"Who cafes if something happens ?" I groaned

"Stokeley get out," he said.

"Why you mad?" I asked. "Why can't I go to the fair?"

"Cause you have a cuncusioj, you could have a sesure if you hit your head or something and you could have a heart attack at any time. And I won't be there to help," he said.

"Okay and? I wanna go to the fair?" I whined.

"You can't take this lightly Stokeley, I understand you wanna have fun, and if it was anything else I would encourage you to go but I just have a bad feeling about this and I just wanna make sure nothing bad happens to you." He said.

"So I can't go?"

"Stokeley I'm not your dad I can't tell you what to do, but I just wish you wouldn't go," he sighed and walked out of his room.

"Why you being so difficult?" I groaned.

"I'm being difficult because I care about your health? Okay Stokeley," he chuckled and walked into his room and slammed the door.

I rolled my eyes and walked into my room and slammed the door. I locked the door and fled to my bed.

He isn't wrong but I just wanna have fun.

There was a knock at my door and I got up and opened my door to find Aiden standing there with some little girl.

"Hey wassup?" I asked knowing he was finna say some dumb shit.

"We need condoms." He said.

I widened my eyes. "You need what?"

"Y'all don't need no fucking condoms!" Jahseh yelled.

"Yes we do so you won't be a uncle cause we doing it anyways. So do you have some or not," he asked.

"Ain't no one in this house having sex anymore so I don't think we have condoms," I said.

Jahseh sighed. "Yeah we don't have any. Check moms bathroom."
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Aiden walked away with the girl and I closed my door and laid back down on my bed.

"Are you mad at me?" I heard Jahseh say.

"Why would I be mad? You're just looking out for me," I sighed. "I just wanted to have fun."

"Baby I'll take you to do anything you want but that." He said.

"Really?" I sat up.

"Yeah. We can go to the mall or to an arcade or somethings I don't know but I just want to know that you'll be safe." He said.

Guys I have the flu and it deadass took me all day to write this cause I was throwing up and then I would fall asleep. Sorry

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