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Ya'll I took a fat ass nap today and I'm proud to say... I'm still tired lol.


"Well maybe we can try this one?" Symere said as we walked past Spencers once again. And we all know he aint trying to see The tshirts. Nasty ass. But I stopped in my tracks when an angelic creature caught my eyes.

I tugged on the rim of Jahseh's shirt. He looked down at me, "Daddy me want it!" I said quietly when I pointed to the Chucky Doll.

He gave me a look, "What are you pointing at?"

I pointed again.

"Words baby," he said as he grabbed my hand and led me into the store. "What do you want daddy to buy you?" He asked.

"That!" I pointed to it and jumped up and down.


"That!" He pointed to a chucky doll and jumped up and down. He's in littlespace right now. I looked up and researched everything I could cause I wanted him to have a good childhood but the only way to do that was for him to become a little so for the past two weeks I have been doing things so he could slip and he seems to not care. He enjoys being in littlespace.

"You want that?" I grabbed it.

He clapped his hands and nodded his head.

He's a four year old. Well in his mindset anyways.

"Pwease daddy?" He made his puppy dog eyes.

"If you dont get that for him, I'll sacrifice you to the demons." Symere said as he walked past us in the store.

"No he wont," Jordan said as they walked past us.

"Speak for yourself long knees," Symere gave him a light glare.

"I want this too," Stokeley said as he picked up a big ass vibrator.

"This nigga here," I shook my head. "What do you need that for?"

"Cause when you're being mean to me, I can do it by myself," he chuckled. Well I see we arent in littlespace anymore.

"Imma always give it to you even if I'm mad," I told him.

"I dont want to have sex with you when you're mad. I've had bad expirences with that." he said.

"I know baby, and I promise I wont hurt you like them niggas did in your past." I said as we started walking to check out.

He put the vibrator on the counter and I paid for it along with his chucky doll. We walked out of the store in a uncomfortable silence.

"Do you want to go to the candy store and get some snacks and we can have a movie night?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. But I want pizza I'm hungry," he held his small stomach.

Using skinny ski

"Yeah we can eat and then get snacks," I said and as I led us to the food court. I decided on burger king while Stokeley decided on some Jamaican resturant. He got oxtails and I just got three spicy chicken soundwhiches and some french fries.

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