Chapter 2

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- Lauren's

I and Ty have an amazing suite. The hotel management assures that there would be no paparazzis hanging around this hotel. This was an exclusive hotel for celebrities and no paparazzi have ever set foot in this place.

We were just chilling in the bed and I was thinking deeply when my clingy boyfriend keeps on kissing my cheek.

"Baby love, why are you so quiet?"

I cannot think of anything else since I saw that brunette girl with a very beautiful hazelnut eyes, I wonder what her name is. Or is the girl with her was her girlfriend? They kept on tickling each other in the lobby and their giggles were too loud.

"Hey, baby? What's wrong?"

I forgot that Ty have asked me a question. I am so distracted with that girl.

"Nothing, just thinking. What are we gonna do later tonight?" I really need some distractions right now. I need to drink or party or whatever.

"I'm gonna stay in tonight babe. I've got to send some files to my manager first so I can have some free time with you til' we leave."

That's the thing with Tyrone. I mean, he's my everything but when it comes to work, he always prioritize it. He's like working 24/7 and it seems like he lives in the studio when we're in New York.

"Oh, it's okay babe. I think I'm gonna go out tonight. Is it okay with you?"

"Sure. Just message me when you need anything."

After dinner Ty went kissed me good bye and went to our room and I was left in the hotel lobby. I went to the iLocations of the hotel to look for places and my eyes caught something, "Avalanche". I took my phone out and send the location to my phone, it is located on the 36th floor of the hotel. As soon as the I reached the floor the elevator doors opened.

📍AvalancheLooks like I'm alone tonight, but still I'm getting some tonight! 🤪🥃

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Looks like I'm alone tonight, but still I'm getting some tonight! 🤪🥃

I tweeted the picture directly and it gained alot of likes, retweets and reactions in a minute. I rolled my eyes and went to the counter. I checked the time 8:45PM. It's too early to drink but who cares?

"Hey there pretty eyes. What are you having tonight?"

I heard a familiar voice and I looked up and stared at those beautiful hazelnut eyes.

"It's you."

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