Chapter 22

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- Camila's

It's been a week since Lauren and I last talked. Still, I kept on messaging her and explained my side if she ever saw that picture.

I even saw a picture of her and Ty, recently hugging on a bench in New York City. I really felt jealous, but I trust Lauren so much so I didn't quite mind it.

"KAAAAAAKI!!!!" And there goes my little monster sister, Sofia. They'll be staying here for a week or so because dad's planning on renovating some floors up here and of course with my consent.

I hugged her and she kissed my cheeks a lot of times and my dad tapped my shoulders.

"Hi, dad. How was your flight?" I smiled weakly, my eyes were puffy for sure. I have been crying a lot because of Lauren. I really, really missed her. Her raspy voice, her emerald eyes, her hair, everything about her.

"Mija, I bought you these. Please, fix this." He gave me something and I looked unto it, it's a ticket to New York and I gave him a confused look, "What are these?"

"Go get your girl back.."

And that's my cue. I left without bringing clothes and etc,. just my self, my wallet, my passport and my love for Lauren.

- Lauren's

7 days and still counting.

7 days of mourning fro my love to Camila. She never missed a good morning and good night texts for me. She's trying to reach me out but I can't help it.

"The Notebook or The Choice?" I asked Leo, my Lion stuffed toy and I just stared at him,

"Yeah, you're right. Not The Notebook, I watched it with Camila before.. that'll surely make me extra sad."

I watched The Choice and felt myself cry. I really adore this movie and even if I watched it for a thousand times I'll surely still breakdown and cry.

*bzzt bzzt*

From: Alexa
Jaguar!! Party tonight at my house. Come!
We missed you. See you later! ;)

I dressed up and get ready. I look good, I can say.

👤LJ: It's been a long time

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👤LJ: It's been a long time.. Catch ya later alligators! 🤪🥃

Someone's gonna have fun tonight.

- Camila's

I hate flying, alone but I really need to see the love of my life and try to win her back. I missed that emerald eyed beauty so much.

I have landed to New York and I immediately hailed a cab, I knew where Lauren lived because she sent me the location of her apartment by the time she moved there.

It was about 30 minutes and I arrived at her apartment.


I'm nervous as hell, how will Lauren react if she sees me? Will she be mad? Or will she kiss me and hug me? Or ugh.

I rang her doorbell once.. but no one answered.

I rang it for a few more times,

"Lauren? You in there? LoLo?"

I looked up my phone. Still, 0 text from my girl. I stalked her accounts and saw a post from her.. She wasn't home that's for sure.

I sat beside her door, I was really tired and I felt my eyes close...

- Lauren's


I've missed a lot of this, when Ty and I were together we went to a lot of parties but no this type of party. Alexa, my friend was one of the best party planner in the world.

"More shots for a beautiful girl.."

I looked up and saw a girl, she was pretty but not as pretty as Camila,

"I'm Vero.. and guess you are Jaguar right?"

I nodded and took a shot from her, we danced all night and obviously I am drunk as hell. Alexa on the other hand was sober..

"Jaguar stop that. I'm taking you home right now."

"Nooooo shhhhhh Camila-laz. Where is sheeeee? Mi-miss her. Kiss kissss"

- Alexa's

The party I have organize was lit as fuck. My close friends are here and partying like theres no tomorrow.

Lauren, was also here I watched her all night. I have a crush on Lauren since we were in high school but I know she wasn't interested in me that way so I put it aside.

I saw Vero, the flirtiest one and the sluttiest one danced with Lauren all night long. I just looked at them as they dance, their bodies were really close and they were grinding against each other and some people were just cheering for them with their phones up.

Lauren was really, really drunk. I need to take her home.

I grabbed her hand and lead her out. Vero looked at me as if she was going to kill me, I just glared at her and she rolled her eyes.

On our way to her apartment she was only saying 4 words which are "I miss you, Camila" over and over again. I knew who Camila was, she was the richest
Young entrepreneur in the world, who happens to be Lauren's girlfriend.

We reached her apartment and walked unto the elevator having a hard time especially when Lauren was walking in a crisscross way, falling all the time and laughing really loud and when I stepped out my eyes caught something..

A girl hugging her knees, and silently sleeping.

Lauren fell into the floor and was laughing her ass off. Shes really annoying when drunk, I saw the sleeping girl head looked up..

"Camila? Little help here?" I smiled weakly and she ran up to Lauren and hugged her.

Unpopular opinion: Wattpad's update is really neat as hell.

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