Chapter 9

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- Camila's

I woke up in bed, my head's aching and I moved to my left and felt someone shuffle on my side. I looked at myself underneath the comforter and my eyes widened, I was only in my underwear and bra. I kicked the person beside me and that person fell.


"Lo? What are you doing here?" I was shocked to hear Lauren's voice beside me.

"You were pretty drunk last night Camz but that doesn't mean that you should kick me in bed." She rolled her eyes and get up.

"Did something.. U-uhh between us?" I can feel my face heating up when Lauren burst into laughter and I just glared at her "Nothing happened Camz, you just told me that you sleep in your undergarments so that explains why you're almost naked."

I was about to say something but Lauren cut me off.

"And Camz? Sorry, but I'm taken"

- Lauren's

I and Camila are sitting in her very spacious kitchen. I cooked breakfast for the both of us, waffles and bacons and eggs. I was really sad to see Camila frown as I said that I was taken, I was also sad to the fact that I like Camila so much but I am in a relationship, I can't just cheat or leave Ty alone.

"Sorry about last night.. I didn't mean to be a burden to you.." Camila said while eating banana.

"Yeah, it's fine. You're really fun and cool.. and sexy.. when you're drunk.." my eyes widened when I realized what I said.

Last night was fun after Camila blacked out I immediately went to Normani if she has any clue about where Camila was staying and just my luck she knew exactly everything in this place.

• Flashback •

"Lauren, I've got a problem..."

"What is it, Mani?"

"I knew everything here.. well, except for the code.." My eyes widened when I realized that everything here was code operated. I tried waking Camila up but she's really dead.

"Camziiiiiii, wake uupppp. What's the code?" She opened her eyes and stared at my face and smiled. "You're so beautiful, Lolo. I wan-na k-iish you"

Normani almost choked when she heard what the brunette have said. "She's just drunk. Don't mind her." And gave me a sweet smile.

"Ba-ba-ba-ba-bananaaaaa, bananaaaaaaa"

"MANI! TRY BANANA!" and it worked! The elevator moved a step up and as the door opened I was really amazed on how Camila's home looked like. There was a fountain in the middle, the walls and designs we're giving me a nature vibe, the fireplace looks so cool, everything looks cool.

"That's Camila's room" she pointed the silver door and Mani placed Camila's hand on the finger scanner and the door slides.
Camila's room was really, really big. It's 3x bigger than my room in our home in Miami. Her bed was 2x bigger than mine and her covers was black and white.

"Lauren, can you handle from here? Jesse have texted me because the party's getting wild." I nodded and Normani left.

"Camz, look. I'm gonna clean you up, okay? Where do you keep your pajamas?" She just stared and me and smiled.

"I sleep naked" and smirked at me and seductively removed her clothes, I can't help but stare at her action but I turned my back at her and when I heard tiny snores coming from this drunk girl. "Good night, brown eyes." I kissed her forehead and stood up.


• End of flashback •

"Sooooo, what are your plans for tomorrow?" Camila asked me. I really don't have any plans, I am really tired and I just wanna sleep all day and night.

"I don't know. How about you?"

"Well, I'm going to stay for a few days on my other hotel.." Wow this girl's full of business too. She's like what 20? But her career in hotel is really booming.

"Who's gonna be the in charge here then?" Out of my curiosity, I have never seen anyone aside from Camila who manages her hotel since I stayed here.

"Dinah, my best friend who also happens to be a great associate will take over. It's just for a few days. You wanna come?" She offered and smiled sweetly. "Of course, Let me pack up some of my stuff first.. Are we leaving right now?" I asked.

"Nope. My head's killing me. Let's just meet up in the lobby tomorrow, 9am. Is that good?" I nodded and say good bye to Camila.

Tomorrow and the following days are going to be so good.

Sorry, but I'm taken (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now