Chapter 3

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- Camila's

It's been a long day here in the hotel and I'm bored as hell. Dinah just left so I'm stuck here talking to our staffs and managing the hotel a little bit. When Shawn walked in front of me looking so dreadful.

"Excuse me, Miss Karla but we've got a situation in Avalanche. There was a problem with the..." I didn't let him finish and I just tap Shawn's shoulder.

"Hey buddy. Stop stressing, okay? I'm gonna go there now and you take a rest and how many times do I tell you to call me Mila.."

I smiled brightly at him and went to the 36th floor. As the door opened I have seen the problem quickly, Normani and her girlfriend Jesse was fighting again. They have been working for me for the longest time and they have been my closest friends since then.

"Hey love birds. You two should talk it out okay? I'll be in charge here first. Settle things up"

"Urgh sorry for the problem Mila but I'm just annoyed with this little.. URGH!" She just rolled her eyes and left and Jesse followed her out.

Avalanche wasn't packed tonight because it's a Wednesday. Wednesday night's are supposed to be the Cinema-Beach-Night so the people were all in the beach line to watch tonight's movie.

"Hey, Karla! It's been so long since I last saw you. How's your papi?" A guy in a business suit asked me, I realized it's Ally's dad.

"Hello, Sir! He's doing great by the way please do come by the hotel in Montego Bay. It's the grand opening of Piazza Sofia." I smiled and he just nod and gave him his all time favorite drink.

I forgot to introduce my name. My name's Karla Camila Cabello-Estrabajo. I am the owner of this hotel, my dad gave me this hotel as a gift for my 18th birthday and since then the hotel was a success.

My attention were fixed when the elevator door opened. Then, I saw a girl wearing a tight black dress with a leather jacket to top off her outfit. She lift her head up and I was mesmerized by those emerald eyes. She looks really familiar but I can't remember where I saw her. She sat on the stool in the farthest most and I quickly walked in front of her, her heads still down and I talked and then I got her attention.

- Lauren's

I don't know what to say. My mind went blank the moment I glanced up those beautiful eyes.


"What? I don't understand what you're saying" she chuckled and smiled.

Those perfect set of teeth and that beaming smile. It really felt like my whole world stopped.

"Please, serve me anything? By the way, I'm uh—"

I feel really obliged to introduce myself because first of all, I wanna know her name and second maybe she will get a clue of who am I.

She handed me the drink that looks really weird by the way and it looks so dangerous to drink. What the hell is this?

"Here you go! This is my specialty, the Quidditch. I named it after the sport in Harry Potter because I loved that movie And book and it's really fun and exciting and that drink really gives you the thrilling vibes.. just like what I feel every time I watched Harry playin— okay, too much talking. I'm sorry, I'm just chatty.."

She eventually turned red and I can't help but laugh at her cuteness.

"What's your name by the way?" She asked me.

"I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui."

"Nice name. I'm Camila, Just.. Camila."

"Oh so you're staying mysterious then? I can handle that.."

She haven't said anything, her last name or anything.

"So, "Just Camila" are you working here?"

I drank up the drink she gave me and it's really perfect. The sweetness, the alcohol, the fruity taste in it. It's really mixing up in my mouth and it tastes so damn good.

"Ugh, yep? I am.. working here..."

"Give me another round of this.." I say and she gladly made my drink.

This is gonna be a long night.

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