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- Lauren's

Nervous was an understatement. It's been a long time since people saw me.. Many people still recognized me as a model but not as a singer who's living the life to travel the world and write music about my feelings.

Tonight's the night that I change. I promised myself to change after this, I'll try to forget about Camila.. If I can..

Ricky called me and Selena and I went out, she reached for her guitar and I look unto the crowd they were all silent.

"You're the model from Blazed right?" A girl asked me, smiling

"I was back then.."

"Why are you here tho?"

"Because I want to be free, I want to rediscover myself and I did. I travel the world, met new faces and enjoyed my life. It was the best decision I have made for myself, it was amazing.. But guys, come on! I'm not here for a presscon, I'm here to sing a song.."

Many laughed and I can see their faces were all brightened up. Heart's day magic, I suppose.

"This song.. Is about someone who I used to.. who I will always love. She still has my heart but unfortunately, she's happy with someone else now.. But don't get me wrong.. I'm happy that she's happy and I'm always here for her from apart, cheering and supporting her. This song is called All These Years.."

Your hair's grown a little longer
Your arms look a little stronger
Your eyes just as I remember
Your smile's just a little softer

I thought of Camila, she changed a lot. She was more beautiful than ever and i can't help but fall for her even more.

And I, and I never prepared for a moment like that
Yeah, in a second it came all back, it all came back

'Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick hello
And you had to go
And you probably will never know
You're still the one I'm after all these years

What if I never meet her again? What if the universe had another plan for us.. maybe we weren't meant to be.. 

Couldn't help but overhear you
Sounds like you're happy with her
But does she kiss you like I kissed you?
Ooh, I wish I loved you like I miss you

Her lips tasted like the sweetest thing in the whole wide world, in fact it is the sweetest thing in the world. I miss those lips on mine but this all were just memories now.

And I, and I never prepared for a moment like that
Yeah, in a second it came all back, it all came back

'Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick hello
And you had to go
And you probably will never know
You're still the one I'm after all these years, oh
'Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick hello
And you had to go
And you probably will never know

- Camila's

As soon as I  heard the first verse of that song I knew it was Lauren from Tumblr. I was in love with her the moment I saw her. She was beyond magnificent and oh her voice.. it was raspy but angelic. It feels like I've heard it somewhere but I clearly don't remember.

You're still the one I'm after all these years
I never told you, I should've told you
I never told you after all these years
I never told you after all these years

Sorry, but I'm taken (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now