Chapter 29

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- Lauren's

Camila and I woke up earlier the next day. I just finished my shower and Camila was still in the bathroom doing God knows what. So, I decided to cook breakfast for the both of us.

After 20 mins Camila went out from my room but I wasn't expecting that she'd still be wearing my clothes because we went shopping.

"Why are you still wearing my clothes when you bought a whole wardrobe yesterday?" I asked her while laughing and sat on the stool.

"I love your clothes. Got a problem with it?" She answered with an attitude. Oh someone's having their red days.

"Grumpy ass. Come on! I'm taking you out."

I am taking Camila on a date today, Camila has been taking me out on a date and give me stuff so its my turn now.

"Where are we going? I'm tired" she pouted. She was really cute but that pout wont ruin my date plan.

"Nope. We're not gonna stay in. I'm taking you somewhere so eat faster!" I smile widely and kissed her cheeks.

After a couple of minutes She went to my room to change and again, she's wearing my black ripped jeans and red sweater. She really loves wearing my clothes.

"You ready?" She nodded and we went to the parking space.

"Where are we going LoLo?" She smiled widely and I just told her its a secret and I kissed her lips.

Camila and I was just talking about stuff and everything else in the world and we reached our destination. Camila got a questioning look on her face.

I turned off the engine and went to Camila's side to open the door for her. She pecked my lips and look at the building in-front of us like a puzzle.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see" I grabbed her hand and pull her to the doors.

Actually, I brought Camila to my abuela's old building. This building was like our family's secret treasure, we keep every art we have collected in here. My family loves painting, sculptures and anything else but my favorite part on this building was the 7th floor which was mine and that's where I'm taking Camila.

"Hey Garret! Long time no see" I smiled at the security who was one of the most trusted person in the family.

"Lauren! It's been a long time! How's Mike? And... who's this lovely lady?" He smirked at me and I just glared at him, we talked for a few more minutes and I introduced Camila and him and they became acquainted in a short period of time.

"So, where are we going?" Camila asked for the nth time and I just shook my head.


The door opened and Camila's mouth opened and I just smiled at her reaction.

- Camila's

"Lo.... wow.."

Wow is all I can say. This place is fucking great, the whole floor was covered by paintings, arts, collections.. and many more. It feels cozy just by stepping out of the elevator.

"Surprise babe.." she smiled at me and I just hugged her and kissed her all over her face.

"What is this place?"

"Well.. this is my.. somewhat sanctuary.."


"Nope, not really. The building is my abuelita's, just this floor. No one comes here except me and whoever I want to bring here.. but.. you're the first one to step in here."

"Wow Lauren, I didn't know you could paint!"

"Well, there's a lot of things you didn't know about me"

"Well Ms Jauregui, I've got a lifetime to discover you.. and after that I'll rediscover you over and over and over again.." I kissed her passionately and she smiled in between our kisses.

"Come with me!" She pulled my hand and we enter a door, inside the door was an all white room and lots of paint on the floor.

"Ready to paint?"

"Hell yeah!"

She then played her 1975 album in the speakers and we painted until we tire our souls out.

- Lauren's

👤: Lauren Jauregui

📍 Jauregui ComplexIn a room full of art my eyes would still look for you because you are the greatest art I've ever seen

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📍 Jauregui Complex
In a room full of art my eyes would still look for you because you are the greatest art I've ever seen. -with: Camila Cabello

After painting, the room was amazing. We threw paints anywhere and it turned out amazing. After we bathe we end up cuddling in-front of the television eating Chinese take-out.

"You know what? I really love you." I told her sincerely and she looked at me.

"You know what? I really love you, too"

"You know what? You keep on copying every first words I say"

"You know what? You still love me."

"You know what? You are annoying"

"You know wha—" I didn't let her finish because it gets funnier and funnier every time she adds up a sentence. So instead, I kissed her and she kissed me back. We were having a hot make out session and my hands are on the hem of her shirt.. when I was about to remove them she held my hand..

"Sorry babe, but I've got period." She winked at me and focused her attention back on the tv, and I'm left dry and wanting more. What-A-Tease

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