Chapter 15

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- Camila's

4 days and counting

I woke up much earlier than Lauren, today I decided to take her to dinner and I have closed the theater room for our movie marathon. I didn't bother waking her up because I've got to plan the our date.

Once I got up, I directly went to the shower and changed my clothes. I chose to look homeless today so I didn't bother looking at the clothes that I got. I left a note for Lauren and ask her to call for room service for her special breakfast.

It was only 9AM but the lobby was crowded and Dinah was in the reception desk, I went to her and hugged her.

"What's up, Mila? Haven't seen you for so long? Where's your girl? I haven't met her yet.."

"Well, you see she'll be leaving in 4 days. So, I decided that we should have a proper and formal date tonight.."

"You're becoming one of those romantic shit on the movies we're watching huh" I rolled my eyes and bid my good byes. My jeep was waiting outside and I grabbed the keys from the valet and left.

The drive to town was just normal. No traffic, not a lot of people, everything's normal. After 10 minutes, I've arrived at Ally's flower shop, The Blumes.

"Hey Ally, are the flowers ready now?" Ally went out from the door and squealed "I'm so happy for you Mila! You found your other half!" I just smiled at her and kissed her cheeks and she handed me the most amazing bouquet of flowers I have ever seen.

"Gotta go now, mí prinsesa is waiting for me back there" I laughed and Ally told me to take care of her.. which is weird because I'll never, ever break her heart.

When I got back to the hotel, I instructed Shawn about everything's that is happening later on tonight and he just nodded and reassuring that everything's going to be perfect. I am so nervous right now and it's only 10:30AM.

- Lauren's

I was startled when I heard my phone ring. It was almost deafening. I'm totally not a morning person. I felt nothing beside me, an empty side beside me. Camila was nowhere to be seen but I saw a blue note in the side table.


By the time you're awake which is not anytime soon but yeah, I'll be out to buy something in town. Just press one so that Mrs Young would send you the food I have prepared. I'll be back soon. I miss you already.


Camila wasn't really good at words but that's not really the point here. I am certain that I have felt the whole damn zoo in my stomach while reading the note and that's what important to me.

I just followed Camila and pressed one and later on, Mrs Young, one of Camila's favorite worker knocked and entered Camila and I's room.

"Good morning dear, Karla have prepared a special breakfast for you.. and it comes with a rose." She gave a rose and I smelt it. Camila's the only person who made me feel like I'm hella special and so far, I love it.

I thanked Mrs Young and she left immediately. I have finished my breakfast and was waiting for Camila patiently. I heard the elevator door opened and I saw Camila walking out of it.

I ran up to her and hugged her like it's my last.

"Someone missed me today.. I was just out for a very short time." She smiled and I cant help but smile too. I kissed her and thanked her for the breakfast.

"Later, tonight. I'm gonna take you to a date. Dress nicely, okay?"

"Hmm Camz? What are you wearing later? I want us to have a matching outfits.."

"Nope, not gonna tell you. It should be a surprise LoLo.. and you should surprise me." She winked at me and I just smiled like a teenager who's hopelessly in love.

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