Chapter 17

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- Camila's

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I didn't answer but instead I kissed Lauren passionately. I nodded and smiled. We're both out of breath and Lauren was just staring at me, smiling.

• The Next Day •

Lauren and I woke up early because my friends and I are going to a hiking trail.

"Good morning, babe" Lauren kissed my cheek
"Come on, they're waiting for us." I was too caught with the scenario yesterday, Lauren asked to me to be her girlfriend and right now. I am the happiest.

Lauren grabbed our bags and we went to the lobby to witness our friends talking with their hiking bags in their backs.

"Hey guys! Sorry we're late." They all look at us smiling except for Dinah who was smirking at me and then Lauren, then me "I smell sex in here" I widened my eyes and Lauren just laugh at her.

"I haven't got a chance to formally introduce myself. I am Lauren, Lauren Jauregui" my girlfriend offered her hand where the Polynesian gladly took "I'm Dinah Jane Hansen, Mila's best friend and ONLY associate. Glad to finally meet the one who caught my best friend's heart" I just rolled my eyes.

"Come on, guys! The van's here" Shawn shouted. It's gonna be a long drive.

Me and Lauren occupied the last seat which are in the farthest part of the van. We are sharing earbuds now and we just sang along with whatever song she was playing.

"What's your favorite song, Camz?"

"I don't really have one. But, I love... One Direction" I whispered the last part but Lauren can't help but laugh at my "cuteness". "Uh, How about you.. what's yours?"

"Born to Die by Lana Del Ray." She smiled at me and we continued singing along until we reached the Trail Trek.

We arrived at Trail Trek and my friends are squealing. Shawn went to the reception desk to ask for the map of the trail and gave each one of us.

"So, if we ever get lost we're gonna meet at the Hunter's Yard okay? And at 10AM we'll set up ouR tents" Shawn the mighty leader demanded and we just saluted.

"Isn't it amazing that I got to spend my remaining days with your friends? And you of course." I looked up to Lauren and I can't hint sadness in her eyes. I know she doesn't want to leave but her life isn't here. She live in a different world.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll be okay" I gave her a reassuring smile and peck at her lips.

"You know what? I love those lips." And we made out behind the tree for a few minutes.

"Hey Mila! Stop fucking Lauren and help us in here!!" Dinah shouted and we made our way to the Hunter's Yard smiling.

- Lauren's

We've been walking into the woods for 2 and a half hours now and I've never appreciated the forest and I do now.

"Laurenza." I look back and saw Dinah calling me

"Yes.. uh-mm Dinah?" I am really scared of this girl, she's bigger than me and for sure if she'll punch me in the face I'll blackout in an instant.

"You know what? I have never seen Mila this happy before. I mean, she was happy with Ariana but this happiness she's in right now are like heavenly.."

"Mila makes me so happy too"

"Yeah I know that.. it's pretty obvious."


"But Lauren? Please.. I'm begging you. Don't ever hurt Camila. She's too fragile. I love her so much.. and I don't know what I'll do to you if you ever hurt her." She stared at my eyes and my eyes widened. I just nodded fast and tried giving her my sweetest smile.. but it failed.

"Don't worry. I wont hurt you now.. but you'll see" and she played with my hair and pull me over.

7 PM

"Come on everyone! Let's round up this bonfire and we'll play a game!" Jesse shouted "and what kind of game are you trying to say?" Normani raised an eyebrow and Jesse starts to think.

"How about truth or dare?" Ally suggested "LAME ALLYCAT" said Troy, his boyfriend.

"You know what guys? It's pretty offensive that I'' the seventh-wheel here.." Dinah added and we all laughed "Hey Dinah, I am here too incase you've forgoten?" Shawn added and we all burst out laughing while teasing the both of them.

"How about we just chill here and you guys share any ghost stories you have in mind?" I always loved ghost stories even when I am a kid, I find it really interesting especially knowing that there are other forces that are present here on earth.


After a few hours of sharing and sharing and sharing Camila was in my arms, just like baby.. she was pretty scared for everything that her friends have shared and I just laugh at her cuteness. We all bid good night and Camz and I are sharing a tent.

"Good night, Camzi. I'm gonna turn off the lamp now.." she just nodded and as I lay my back she wrapped her arms around me. She's my home and I my eyes were closing.

"Lauren? Lauren? Wake up."

"What's up, Camz? It's still what 2AM?" I was really startled and I just saw a smiling Camila.

"Come, I'm gonna take you somewhere."

We went out of the tent trying to be quiet so they won't wake others up.

We were walking for about 20 mins and she placed a blindfold on me "Take it off now.."


"Surprise babe" and she kissed me. Not just a pack but passionately. Her lips taste like cinnamon, as always and I have memorized her taste, it's my favorite.

"I love you, Camz" I felt my tears escaped my eyes, I am so happy to be with her right now. In a short period of time, I feel the love that I am longing for so long, I have found my soulmate.

"I love you too, LoLo but... the last one on the lake treats dinner tomorrow!" My eyes widened and I saw a naked Camila running to the docks, and jumped at the end.

"My, my skinny dipping at 2AM? Seriously Camz?" I laughed and removed my clothes and jumped directly at the lake.

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