Chapter 14

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- Camila's

After the grand opening at Piazza de Sofia, Lauren and I are enjoying the remaining days of her vacation. Since we got back Lauren's been staying at my flat. I woke up alone in bed, we're on the same bed but ya'll nasty.. Nothing intimate happened between us.. yet.

I went out and saw a smiling Lauren in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I went to her and hugged her from behind and kissed her cheeks.. then lower and lower until my lips have reached her neck. She groaned at my action and pushed me slightly "I'm cooking Camz. Please, behave." I laughed at her and her strict attitude and just sat on the island.

"Soooooo, you're leaving in 5 days.." She looked at me and frowned. I know she hates it when I remind her about leaving for New York.

"Yeah, sadly. I have a shoot the next day after I arrived there.. back to normal and some sort of shit."

Lauren hated her work. She doesn't want to be a model perhaps her dream job was to be a writer. She loves writing so much and she has this tiny journal in her bag full of things her creative mind told her.

"Hmmm Lo?"

"Yes, Camz?" She's really focused on cooking and I can't help but stare at her cuteness.

📍Piazza de Cabello Her dishes are 100x much greater than the most famous chefs in the history

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📍Piazza de Cabello
Her dishes are 100x much greater than the most famous chefs in the history. Good morning, master chef! 🍳 -with: Lauren Jauregui

Lauren and I have been tagging and mentioning each other on our accounts and people are judging us or making a comment about us but I really don't care, we really don't care. As for Ty, he was interviewed a lot of times about their relationship and he always reply that they're just staying lowkey and that I am just Lauren's best friend.

"I really looked good here Camz. You could be my personal photographer.. If you'd want to.." and she winked at me and I just look at her as if she was the moon in the sky and I loved the moon.

"Come on, I'm taking you somewhere.."

"What should I wear?"

"Nothing. You don't have to wear anything." I smirked and she just blushed and punch me in the arm.

"Ow! You're mean hahaha wear something like sweat shorts and a shirt? Or whatever?"

"Oh, where are we going?"

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, zoom in through the skies. Little Einstein!"

- Lauren's

Camila's the cutes human being in the whole wide world. I can't get enough her. She's the most amazing human being I've ever met and a while ago she even sang Little Einstein's theme song! How cute is that?

We're now walking through the woods and Camila and I are walking hand in hand. I kissed her knuckles and she just smiled at me.

"Look Lo, we're here." I scanned my surroundings and I gasped as I saw the view. A waterfalls. This is so amazing. I walked around and went through the place where piles of rock were scattered around.

"Lo, be careful okay? Sometimes those rocks are full of moss and you'll fall your ass off."

I was being careful and Camila was just right there taking a picture of the view, "Why so busy, Camz?" Iooked at her phone and saw a picture of me.. my body and read the caption.

📍UnknownThey say you find home when you feel peace

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They say you find home when you feel peace. I found my inner peace in you. ❤️

"I find peace in you too, babe" and I kissed her again.

Sorry, but I'm taken (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now