Chapter 21

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- Camila's

Lauren wasn't replying to any of my text and I'm getting kinda worried. I called her up a few times and I was always sent to voicemail.

"Hi Mila, Ariana drop these off for you.." Shawn said frowning. He doesn't really love the thought of Ariana being here but what else can we do, she was a customer after all. I'm looking up to the basket of flowers Ariana gave me and shrugged and asked Shawn to take it somewhere else because its bothering me so much.

It was almost noon but I receive 0 messages from my girlfriend. Where the hell is she? I decided to scroll through my Instagram just to kill the time.. maybe Lauren was tired as hell so she's still asleep or something..

I saw Lauren's post and commented a lot of heart emojis and I love you's for her. After a few minutes of scrolling I saw an official hashtag was trending..


I clicked it and my eyes widened. It was a picture of me and Ariana kissing.

- Lauren's

I woke up early today and decided to jog. My eyes were puffy my nose were all red so I decided to cancel my appointments for today. I still can't believe Camila kissed that fu—ugh girl!

I ran around town with my earphones on playing It's Not Living When I'm Not With You by 1975 when I felt someone caught up with me while jogging.. I looked up and saw a smiling Tyrone Griffin.

"Hey Lauren, what's up?"

"What now Ty?" I asked, annoyed by his presence. I am really pissed off by Camila right now and Here he is...

"Heard Cabello got back with her girl Ari" he smirked and I just glared at him "You know what? Ashley and I broke up, we weren't for each other.. because my heart belongs to someone else" he smiled bitterly at me, Ty was a really sweet guy and was really easy to love.. but he never practice being balance to everything and I'm not a fan of it.

"That's sad" I told him as we sat in the park bench when I felt my watch vibrated, it was a good morning text from Camila and I just ignored it, I'm planning to ignore Camila as long as I want.

"See that child over there? I was 7 years old when my dad brought a swing for our oak tree.." I saw Ty's eyes shined as he tell the story.. I continued to listen, "At first he just hang it in there and I thought it was already stable but guess what?" He laughed as if remembering those itty witty moments in his mind

"I swung it up, at a slow pace.. but I still flew out of it and got a huge bump in my head!"

I laughed and hit him in the arm. I love this side of Ty where he just randomly shares a story from his childhood.

"And my dad came out and was raging with anger, so he decided to punish me by not hanging the swing in that oak tree, ever and because of that, I have phobia in swings"

I burst out laughing and I almost forgot that I'm upset with my girlfriend. I almost cried laughing when I felt another vibration from my watch,

From: Camziiiiii 🍌
Baby? Are you awake? I miss you already. 😩

Baaaabeeee why are you ignoring me????


I miss your kisses.. wish you were here ☹️

"You know what? She's so lucky to have you.. wished she would never treat you the way I did.."

"Yeah, but I don't know saw a picture of yeah.." I felt a tear escaped my eyes, Ty hugged me and He really was my best friend.

"Talk to her, alright?" And he stood up and bid his good byes.

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, but not now."

Sorry, but I'm taken (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now