Chapter 23

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- Lauren's

My head was throbbing, that was the first thing I felt as soon as I woke up. Where am I? What happened last night? I tried remembering everything but nothing, all black.

I felt someone moved to my side. Oh no. I slept with someone! I thought about Camila... what the fuck is wrong with me? I cheated on my girlfriend because I was drunk as fuck. I hate me. I felt my tears were running down, I am crying. I'm a fucked up kid.

"LoLo? Hey... baby.. stop crying. Hush baby" Camila? No, it cant be.

"Camz?" I opened my eyes and saw a worried look on my girlfriends face "What-at are you going here?"

"I'm sorry, You're ignoring me so I went up here.. I missed you, you know?" And she touched my arm.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. Camila has only this effect on me. I smiled at her and hugged her..

"I missed you too, baby"

- Camila's

After the apologies and everything else, Lauren and I fell asleep. It was 4PM and we just woke up. I borrowed Lauren's clothes because I don't have anything with me.

"I'm cooking breakfast.." I stood up and she laughed at me "Seriously Camz? Breakfast at 4PM?" "Why not? You can eat it anytime of the day" I snuck my tongue out and went to the kitchen.

"These are good baby.." she kissed my cheek and gave her my sweetest smile. We talked about a lot of things, the adventures that were gonna do the next few days. I'm quite excited about it.

"We stay in today and tomorrow we'll start NY adventures.." We decided to build a fort and played Penguins of Madagascar.

🐥Camila Cabello : Movie night with my one and only! Good thing, we're back on track. I love you, emerald eyes. @ laurenjauregui ❤️

"Babe, I saw a picture of you and Ty.."

"He's one of the best babe. He's happy that I'm with you and supports us however.."

"Sorry about Ariana.. you know I wont ever cheat on you right? I love you. I would never, ever do that to you."

"Its okay baby. I know that now. I love you and I trust you" she kissed my nose and smiled sweetly.

(Skip if you aren't into some sexual contents)

- Lauren's 

Camila and I is in our 4th movie for tonight, a lot of made outs had happened in the short span of time.

"Let's watch Fifty Shades!" Camila suggested and I laughed. She looks so innocent but shes naughtier than me.. That's for sure.

"Hmmm why watch Fifty Shades when we can do what their doing live?" She raised her eyebrows and smirked.

She went on top of me.. slowly removed her shirt. I was breathing really hard right now. She's only in her bra right now.

I cupped her breast and she moaned in return. She was slowly grinding on me "Ba-babe faster" I knew she love it when I massage her breast hard.

She kissed me roughly but with passion. Her kisses were like drugs and I needed it so much. Her hands reached the hem of my shirt and removed my shirt in a swift. She kissed the sides of my breast, suck on it leaving tiny love marks. She stopped and look at what she created, she looked at it like its a painting of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci.

"You don't need these.." she removed my bra and later on my sweats and underwear. I tried covering my body, it wasn't the first time that we've done this but I'm still not that confident of my body.

"Stop that," she removed my hand "you're gorgeous baby. You're my angel.."

She kissed me as sweetly as she can, her hands were massaging my breast and I can't help but moan. Good thing my apartment was soundproof.

I can feel Camila's wet core aligned with my center because she was just wearing her underwear. I was turned on by this, so I started to move my hips up and down. Camila's lips went down to my jawline and her hands were now in my thighs. I can really feel the stickiness of me down there.

After a few grinds a lot of kisses and love bites. Her hand reached my wetness. Her mouth was still busy with breast, sucking it like theres no tomorrow. Her hands was now massaging my clit, every move was perfect. I cant help but moan out her name. I was really close.. but she kept on teasing me

"Camila.. please.."

"Please what baby?"

"You know what I mean..." I say weakly

"Beg more.." she whispered in my ears and Goosebumps.

"Make love to me.. please baby.. U-ugh!" Camila inserted two fingers in me in a very fast pace. I hardly cant keep up. Im sweating and I am really close..

My walls were tightening, Camila must've felt it. She slow down her pace and I was in pure torture. Fuck it. She loves teasing me!

"Baby...." I am really in a weak state right now and I just wanna release it all.

She added another finger and thrust it slowly.. I felt my stomach tighten. She's fucking torturing me. She looked at me in the eyes and a smirked formed her lips.

She then abruptly entered me and that when I exploded a very unusual one. I released it all and all my sexual frustrations had vanished. I just made love to the woman I'm gonna marry.. soon and I'm the luckiest..

I looked up to Camila and saw her licking her fingers seductively and started sucking it.. Oh god. I can feel myself building up again...

"How was it baby?" She smirked and I just pulled her by the neck and kissed her really hard. She moaned into my kisses and laughed..

"I'm tired.." she said and yawn "Good Night, Camzi. I love you.." she smiled and closed her eyes..

"Good night baby squirter.." she then laughed and my face turned into a tomato.

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