Chapter 12

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- Lauren's

As days gone by, Camila and I grew closer and closer and closer. We've been here for 3 days now and Camila wasn't that busy with the works here in the hotel because his father was here and Alejandro was really happy to see Camila this happy. Camila have also called Dinah to inform her about their extended trip.

My watch beeped and I saw a message coming from Ty and I opened it and read the text. Tyler's been constantly texting me, asking me how I'm doing and all. After a minute, Ty called up and I answered it.

"Hello baby love.. Where are you right now? I miss you."

"I'm great. Still here, I'm with Camila." I smiled when I mentioned Camila's name. Her smile, her eyes, her hair..

"Oh you're spending lots of time with Camila huh. Do I have to worry 'bout her?"

"Ty we're on a break. I can hangout with whoever I want. And Camila? Even when she's the busiest person in the world, she still spends her time with me."

"Woah, chill babe. We starting in five. I'll call you later. Bye, I love you"

I rolled my eyes and shrug when I felt an arms wrapped around my waist. I smell a familiar scent.. Vanilla. I turned around and saw a smiling Camila and I kissed her cheeks.

"Aren't you happy to see me? I've been out since this morning.." she pouted and I can't help but stare at those pink lips. Those pink and kissable lips. We've been clinging to each other.

"Of course, I am. I missed you. Ty just called and yeah, you know. Stuff." She removed her hand from my waist and back off a little. I saw sadness in her eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded.

- Camila's

Me and Lauren were like best friends.. or even more than that. I loved her presence, the energy she's giving me were really amazing. I am happy being with her and everything she does makes me smile.

Everything went great until Lauren opened up about Her boyfriend calling her. At first, I know that I've got no chance with Lauren. Obviously. Have you seen her? And Her sexuality confusion uh-uh no chance.

"I wanna break up with him."she said sounding so certain. My heart jumped for joy and I bit my lips to stop myself from smiling.

Their relationship was really healthy when they're together but everything turns upside down when Ty's talking to his manager or when music stuff comes up.

"Are you sure about that?" But coming up to something like this is quite serious. We're talking about a long time relationship.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him as soon as I get to New York."

I looked unto Lauren, clearly she's certain about her decision. Knowing Lauren for a short time, I have learned that once she made up mind nothing can ever change that.

We'll be staying here until tomorrow, the Grand Opening of my new hotel. My guests were starting to come over and I have booked them. I have lots of celebrity friends and they are coming over. Halsey's also performing for tomorrow.

"Hey Lo, Halsey's coming up tomorrow." Her eyes lit up, and smiled from ear to ear. I love seeing her smile and right now all she did was fangirl about Halsey's songs and how great she is.

- Halsey's

"Hey babe.. what's up?" I asked Ty who's currently texting Lauren.

Ty and I has been secretly dating for a short time now but I don't really know why Ty cannot let go of Lauren. There's something about Lauren that he can't take his hands off.

"Nothing, just making sure Lauren doesn't notice anything.. especially us.. you know.." I rolled my eyes, all he ever talk about was Lauren, Lauren, Lauren can't he see I'm with him right now?

"Whatever. By the way, remember Karla? Well, she invited me at the grand opening of her Hotel in Jamaica and don't worry it's really far away from Lauren so it's impossible to be seen out there and it's exclusive. No paparazzis and all." He just nod and kissed my cheek. I'm falling for this guy and its dangerous because he's still in a relationship.

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